Chapter 4

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9:37 AM

"Wake up, bitch!" Jenna's voice rang out through my apartment.

I groaned, shoving my face into my pillow as her footsteps got closer to my room.


"God, good morning to you too." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. "Remind me why I gave you a key to my place again?"

"Because I bring you coffee and breakfast sandwiches and tea on your new man."

"What?" I asked, taking the coffee cup she held out for me. "What kind of tea? Good or bad?"

"Good I think." She said, sitting on the edge of my bed. "Did you know he's been into you for a while?"

"I mean, Halsey briefly touched on it when she talked to me at the party, but just that I had thought he was hot. Why?"

"No, this is some cute shit," She shook her head, taking a sip of her own coffee. "Apparently, he's been crushing for a while. You bumped into him at some awards ceremony a few years ago. I think you and Adam had just started dating - but anyway - he straight up saw you and said something about finding out who you were and then found out you were with Adam."

"But not in a creepy way, right?"

"No, not at all." She shook her head quickly, swallowing another sip. "This is a good thing, Elise. You've got this guy wrapped around your finger from like five years ago. You made his jaw drop the first time he saw you...speaking of which, still no sex?"

"No," I blushed, shaking my head. "I definitely want to jump his bones, but I'm also just terrified. He's really sweet, Jen, and he makes me laugh. I don't want to screw it up- or fuck with my own emotions by doing that."

"That makes sense..." She nodded, watching me take a sip of my coffee. "So when is date number three?"

"He's coming back over tonight," I felt my cheeks heat up as she wiggled her eyebrows. "I'm ordering a pizza, which is great because this is my last show and all I've been doing is working out and I just want pizza."

"Three dates in a row?"

"Yeah...but he's going back to LA in tomorrow. It's my last chance to see him."

"But then what?"

"I don't know." I sighed, setting my coffee down. "I'm going to LA next week. I can make time to see him - if he wants. For all I know, this could end today."

"You think he's just gonna call it quits after waiting this long? Oh honey, please." She laid back on my bed, twiddling her thumbs. "I love that he's coming over though. I mean...if you guys go anyway else public, the paps will just go nuts."

"I'm sure somebody saw us last night," I shrugged, feeling my stomach twist. "I kinda forgot he's in this huge band with a ton of girls fawning over him all the time."

"Yeah...are you going to be okay with dealing with all that?"

"I guess I'll find out," I sighed with a shrug. "There's something about him though, Jenna. Is that weird? I don't know, I can't put my finger on it. Just the way he's so gentle - and he walked me back up to my apartment and kissed me goodnight and everything."

"You're so giddy." She grinned up at me, her smile spread from ear to ear.

"I told him about my parents too."

"How did that go?"

"It went alright. He really had no idea...I feel like that's always the first thing everybody knows about me - the model with two dead parents. It was refreshing."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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