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Hello and welcome to chapter 2 :) thanks again for reading if you are i'm just writing this for fun tho tbh. Things start getting heated in this chapter... Chapter 1 was just a intro..

My grammar is still bad

mature language is used


Chapter 2

It's currently 9:27am and Robin has just woken up, waking up early was normal for Robin. He opened his eyes to see a sleeping Starfire in his arms, he remembered the tension last night and he felt a deep feeling of love in his chest. He pulled her closer never wanting this moment to end. That one movement made Starfire switch her laying position, still close to Robin, she turned the opposite way arcing her back and pushing herself closer to Robin.

o m g

Robin didn't know how to react Starfires backside was now pushed against his growing excitement, he wanted to move but at the same time he didn't. What he really wanted to do was push pull her small tank top down, play with her tits, and kiss her from her shoulders to her lips. But he couldn't and it drove him crazy. He wrapped his arms right below her chest and pushed her closer onto him, he buried his face onto the back of her neck. He couldn't help it he had to, he started softly kissing the back of her neck. Her skin was so smooth, she felt so good up against him like this he wanted this every day. He was satisfied with this position and laid there never wanting it to end. Starfire then moved again, this time she laid on her back causing Robins hand to touch her left boob.

she was awake and she knew what she was doing

His half opened eyes opened widely because of the position of his hand.

like he wasn't already hard

He didn't know if he should move his hand or if he should let it stay, even though the smart think to do would to remove his hand and back away from her, Fighting his urges he moved his hand off of her braless, flawless breast.

this upset Statfire

Robin decided to get up and take a shower

a cold shower

Carefully moving so he doesn't wake up the already awoken teen. As Robin got out of the shower he realized he forgot his boxers (trying to get away from Star) Robin face palmed at his stupid mistake. He heard Starfire moving around in the room so he knows she's awake which just makes this extremely harder.

"Robin are you done with your shower?" Starfire asked outside of the bathroom door.

"Uhh yeah Star i'll be out soon"

just tell her to give you your bag you dumb fuck

"Hey Star?" he called to her

"Yes Robin"

"Can you bring me my bag please? i left it out there before i got in"

Starfire flew to get his bag and then back to the bathroom door. She knocked on it gently. Robin opened the door slightly and she smiled and handed him his bag.

"Thanks Star"

"You are welcome Robin" she walked away back to her own bag picking out an outfit for today. Robin came out the bathroom in basketball shorts and a red tee. Starfire was disappointed to see his mask covering his beautiful eyes. Thinking about last night made her blush, and thinking about what she felt this morning made her cover her face slightly in embarrassment.

"Is everything ok Star?" he asked while putting his clothes in another bag.

"Everything is fine Robin I am excited about the activities we will partake in today" she said smiling sitting crisscross on the bed. Her tank top was so small her tits jiggled with every movement she made.

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