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Hihi againnn im backkkk :) sorry if everything seems 'rushed' i just really wanna get to the good stuff lol... As always i'm obligated to say this every chapter but my grammar is horrible please forgive me i'm thoopid.

I've noticed on the website that my little "~" thingys aren't showing i only use those to separate scenes if anyone can tell me how to fix it i'd greatly appreciate it :)) now on with the chapter

mature language is used.


"Beastboy you're a fucking idiot" Robin yelled helping Starfire out of the water.

"DUDESS HOW DO YOU STOP THIS THING?" Beastboy had taken a jet ski for a "joy ride" and lost control of it, knocking Robin and Starfire over.

"Are you ok Star?"

"I am fine, are you harmed?" she asked flipping her hair out of her face.

exposing full round, wet, giggly tits

"Uh Robin Starfire some help would be nice" Beastboy said before falling off of the jet ski.

"Nice driving skills BB and you wonder why i never let you drive the T-car" Cyborg yelled laughing loudly.

Beastboy turned into a small fish and swam to where Robin and Starfire were standing. "That jet ski was busted" he said regaining his human form back.

"The only thing you can safely drive is a moped" Robin mocked

"Mopeds are sweet so i'm not complaining" he replied with a smug smirk. He looked over at Star questioning her red bikini.

"I didn't know you liked red Star" He said scratching his head and squinting his eyes.

"I wished to do something different from my usual colors" she lied. "Is it not appealing?" she asked worriedly, worrying that Robin doesn't like it.

Beastboy didn't know what to say. On one hand Starfire would get sad and start thinking nobody likes her little color change, and on the other hand he didn't wanna be murdered by Robin.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" he chuckled nervous trying his hardest to run away in the water.

Starfire looked confuse watching Beastboy tumble and trip attempting to run away in the water.

"Why does Beastboy attempt to run in the water like an *insert tamaranian insult here*" she said looking at Robin.

"Assuming you said idiot in your language I say it's because he is one" he shook his head at his green friend. He ruined it, they were about to kiss and Beastboy (as usual) ruined it. Robin wanted to scream and punch a near object in annoyance, but he had to keep his cool because well... he's Robin...

Starfire blushed slightly looking down in embarrassment thinking of what happened.

well this is awkward

After a couple seconds of silence Starfire spoke up. "Uh can we not continue the swimming" she asked with a childlike smile on her face.

Happy with this, Robin nooded his head and began teaching her how to float. They were standing in a part of the ocean where it was high enough to swim in but low enough to stand in.

idk how to swim so if these steps are wrong fuck me i had to google it lol.

Robin took Starfires hands.

"Ok now let yourself go"

"Are you sure i will not"

"Trust me" he smirked making Starfire smile and nod her head. She closed her eyes and relaxed her body, causing her to rise in the water. Starfire felt the weight of her body lift and she opened her eyes looking directly into Robins mask.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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