Chapter 4

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*Sneha Pov*

Everyday my daily routine is the same. I just browse something or help Bhabhi in cleaning the house or something else.

When kids come home in the afternoon as they are just studying LKG, I just spend my time with them in the evening. It has become a habit for them to sleep in my room every day.

And I drop them in their houses every day. As for Bhai I don’t know anything actually.

Today is Saturday and the time for Samrat’s share for dinner. Bhabhi already told me that she will be the one that cooks the dinner instead of him.

Seven corporations only have five working days. So everyone is staying in their houses.

But kids are not that lucky so they left to go to their school. After getting ready I went down towards the dining table and saw Bhai already sitting there with Bhabhi.

“Good morning!” I said greeting them.

“Good morning!” I got two replies. I am actually shocked because Bhai replied to me.

Maybe everyday he is just busy and that’s why he doesn’t reply?

While having breakfast I asked “So what is today’s plan?”

“Nothing that Samrat has left to bring some vegetables and groceries for today’s dinner. I am waiting for him actually.” Bhabhi said.

“But why so early?” I asked her confused.

She was about to reply but Bhai cut her off and said “That’s because he is an Idiot. He just begs Amy to cook his favorites when it was his time. And his list of favorites is so big.”

I am happy. No! Not because of the cooking list because Bhai just talked to me normally.

“Amy?” I asked confused.

Bhabhi immediately blushed and Bhai stuttered and said “That is.. umm… nickname… I kept for her.”

“Aww… How cute.” I said looking at them.

Someone else cleared their throat and we saw Samrat standing at the door of dining hall smirking at them.

“Yup! Totally cuteee….” He said dragging the word cute.

“See the idiot has arrived.” Bhai said making Samrat frown and we all burst out laughing.

“Did you bring everything?” Bhabhi asked him.

“Yes! I even made the list of my favorite dishes for today.” He said giving her the paper.

“Does it change every time too?” I asked no one in particular.

Bhai and Bhabhi just laughed by looking at the face he made after hearing my question.

“I will go and start preparations.” She said going inside the kitchen.

“I will help you Bhabhi.” I said following her.

“So where is the list.” I asked her.

She gave me and I saw nearly seven dishes.

“Is he really human?” I asked her in whisper.

“I heard that!” he shouted coming inside the kitchen.

“Good for you.” I said and started helping her.

“So Bhabhi is she just going to cut the vegetables or she will make anything?” He asked.

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