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"Hey, Trudy" You greeted the Sargent, handing her, her favorite sub from Marcos. She smiled, before hiding it behind a sarcastic comment.

"Why is it that I come in so very early in the morning and you're the first person I see?" She took a bite of the sub, spilling small groans. She mumbled a thank you between her bites.

"because I'm amazing, you love seeing me every morning," She shooed you away, buzzing you upstairs. As you grabbed on to the door, your phone started buzzing.


going to be coming in late, some last-minute problems. We have a case sitting on my desk. Prep the team.

You unlocked his office, grabbing the files that were on his desk. You often questioned why Hank decided to give you a spare key to his office but then again this wouldn't happen.

You started to pin them against the board as you read up on what happened. Two victims found the third one kidnapped. Victims were both 18 found beaten and bruised.

Once the board was set, you started cleaning up the place up for everyone, cleaned up the coffee machine and set a new batch to be ready, turned on all the computers, grabbed all the trash before throwing it out.

Turning to Ruzek's desk, you giggled when you saw the files splurged all across his desk with a now cold coffee mug sitting in the corner. Burgess came into you placing the mug onto the sink.

"Hey you're here early," you told her as she placed her bag onto her desk.

"My neighbors' dog woke me up so I decided to come in earlier to keep me from killing someone," She joked. Both of you started chatting as you finished up the place, "are you cleaning up?" You nodded.

"It's no big deal, you guys do the hard work of catching the baddies so let me do this part," With time to kill, you started studying a little, while the team slowly shuffled inside.

Jay sat down at your desk interrupting your study. "Hey baby scout, we missed you at Molly's last night," You hit him on the leg from the ridiculous nickname making him laugh. The team always found you as a goody-two-shoes and it didn't help you were the youngest of them all.

"I decided to stay in to study, with finals coming up and all around stressed," Jay gave you that to well-known smile which only made you smile.

"Don't overstress yourself, that's what kills you," He gave you a small nudge before walking away to talk to Uptown. Ruzek had finally come in allowing you to start with the case.

"Hey guys so Hank got tied up but he asked me to fill you guys in on the case," You explained the case to everyone with Al chiming in every once in a while, since he was also there when Hank got the case. "Both girls were beaten senseless but M.E said C.O.D was slice to the throat,"

"The third was kidnapped as of 14 hours ago and if he sticks to plan we have 34 hours before she's found dead," Al added.

"Now there was one witness to her kidnapping a little boy named J.T Dudley he was the one who called the police," As you finished telling everyone, Hank came in.

"Everyone caught up?" Everyone nodded.

"Perfect," Hank started, " Halstead and Uptown go talk to the missing girl's families, I want to know what links these girls together. Ruzek and Al go to the coroner to see if we're missing anything and Burgess and Atwater can interview the little boy" Voight turned to Antonio. "Talk to your CI's see if any of them know anything." Everyone left for their assign duties before Hank called on you to go to his office.

You walked inside leaning your weight against his end table, waiting for him to come in. He came in closing the door behind him.

"How are your classes?"

"They're good, I'm just finishing up with finals," You've known Hank since you were 16, he helped you out in school when you're parents weren't exactly there. When you told him that you were going to be in the police academy after you got your degree his whole face lit up, ever since then, he assigned you to help out with the team so you could 'practice'.

"I have a guy who's gonna help you in the academy after you graduate," You shook your head declining the offer. You wanted to pass because you could, not because it was a handy. "I'm not taking no as an answer, you've been an asset to this team you're worth more than you think,"

"Thank you, Hank." You hugged him, before walking back out to man the office, while everyone was gone.


Back home you tried to study for your finals but nothing stuck in your head, everything you read was quickly forgotten and replaced with the images of the young girls. Giving up on the losing battle, you grabbed your keys heading to Molly's.

When you got to the bar, you greeted Gabby as you sat at the bar. "Tough day?" She gave you your usual as she cleaned a glass.

"Kinda," You muttered sipping your drink. Jay came up to you sitting down at the chair next to you as he ordered another beer.

"Now this must be a miracle, our girl came out," He teased. You made a quick glimpse at him, before greeting him. He frowned when you didn't give back a sarcastic comment. "what's happening," His concern made you smile but you reassured him that everything was fine.

"taking your advice to not overstress myself," You sipped your drink, feeling the alcohol sting your throat. "Hey I have a question, the little boy did he say anything about the man who took the girl?" Jay drank his beer, remembering what Burgess told Voight.

"He said it was a short guy but he was wearing a mask but he says he might be white," Jay looked at the entrance as Upton came in, greeting everyone. He got up placing his hand on your shoulder giving it a small squeeze "If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm right here. Always."

He grabbed the beer that Gabby brought, giving your shoulder one more squeeze before leaving to Upton. He greeted her with a hug before handing her the beer.

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