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Dudley cursed to himself. "You know what, I'm tired of waiting," Dudley grabbed you, hoisting you to your feet. Dudley grew tired of waiting for Brooks, he didn't want to waste any more time.  "I'll enjoy it all by myself," Hank grabbed the knife, going to the edge of your neck.

"Please no," You begged, closing your eyes.


Hank and the team were outside of Brooks's house. "I want you guys to search this place top to bottom. Dudley has to be here check all corners."

"Jay you're with me, Antonio and Atwater are together, Al and Ruzek, and Upton and Burgess check the forest behind his house, he couldn't be too far from the house either." Hank set everyone else up as they searched the home. Jay entered through the side entrance, Hank watching his back.

"Clear" Jay checked the kitchen, finding it cleared. Hank scanned the guest bedroom, finding no one. Jay went into the study, looking from top to bottom.

"Sergeant, we found y/n car, its torched in the woods, but nothing else is here," Burgess spoke through the radio. So she was here.

There was a desk, a small table and a library pressed against a wall. Jay was about to walk away when he noticed the library had small scratches in the corner. He touched the corner, seeing the silhouette of the hallway.

"Sarge come into the study." Jay radioed.

A few seconds later, Hank came in looking for Jay. Jay showed him the bookshelf. "I'll go in first follow me behind," Jay nodded.

Hank nodded, going inside as soon as Jay managed to get the door open. Both went down the stairs, hearing the sounds of muffled voices. They reached the door, counting to three before opening the door.

"Please no-" Hank came in, combing through the room before grabbing on to Dudley. You fell to the floor as Dudley got pulled away.

"Y/n" Jay yelled, pulling you up to him. It had taken you a second to realize what was happening. They rescued you.

"Jay." You cried out. He took off his jacket, covering your shivering and exposed body. You held on to him, not wanting to ever let go. You ignored the pain your body was sending you. You just wanted to hold on to Jay forever. Burying your face on his neck, you let your body inhale his scent, sending you into a wave of emotions. "I'm so sorry,"

"No this is not your fault," Jay put his hand to the back of your head pulling you closer to him. He caressed your back, reassuring you. You placed your hands on his cheeks, staring into his eyes making sure this was real, he was real.

"I need an ambo, we found y/n but she's hurt," Jay scanned your body, seeing the cuts and bruises, but couldn't spot anything life-threatening. He peered towards Hank, seeing him hold the gun against Dudley's head.

"Do something please so I could shoot you," Hank threatened. When Jay noticed you try to move to Hank, he held on to you, helping you.

"Hank stop," You begged him. Hank ignored you, pressing the gun tighter into his head. "I want him to rot in prison for the rest of his life, way more than killing him, don't ruin that for me," You told him. Hank wanted this guy dead, wanted nothing more than to blow this dirtbags brains out, but Hank didn't want to break your hope of letting him rot.

He put his gun down, still holding his arm against Dudleys chest, "She saved you,"

He pointed to Jay, "Jay arrest him," He told him. You limped to Hank, falling into his arms as Jay walked to Dudley. He grabbed Dudley, putting him in handcuffs before walking him outside.

You started weeping, as realization finally hit you, your family saved you. Your knees went out first before you could hit the floor, Hank caught you, holding you up.

"Hey we're okay," he whispered to you.


You guys slowly walked outside, as the rest of the team met up. "Oh my god y/n," Burgess was the first to come running to you, regretting to suffocate you in a hug, when you flinched. "Sorry," She gave a sheepish smile.

The rest of the team came running to you two give you small hugs and pats. "Hi, guys sorry I was late," You joked, making everyone laugh. Jay came back after giving Dudley to another police officer to take him to the cage. Everyone took notice of you two, making eye contact from the distance, before making up some excuse to leave you two alone.

Jay grabbed you, slowly guiding you to the ambulance so they could check up on you. "Thank you, Jay," You murmured to him. You stopped in your tracks, stopping Jay too. "For everything." You rested your head against his chest, following the rhythm of his heartbeat.

"Like I said I'm always here for you," he gently placed a kiss on your forehead, holding his breath, scared anything might break you. He let his thumb glide slowly over the bruises, trying to not cause you pain, causing you to flutter your eyes closed, sucking in a breath. He wanted to kill those guys for what they did to you, but having you there made him want to stop everything.

You slowly started realizing that you always felt something for Jay but you always hid it behind the sarcasm or jokes. You touched his hand that was touching your cheeks, glancing up at him. "I just wanted to tell you-"

You tried telling him, but your words cut off. You felt this strong headache incoming, causing you to take a step back, your body swaying with every movement. The last thing you could remember was reaching out to Jay before feeling your body become heavy.

"Y/n" Jay shouted, catching you before you could fall to the ground. The paramedics came running to Jay, grabbing you.

The Chicago FilesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora