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Jay woke up to a missed call from you, he tried calling you back, but the phone would end up on voicemail. He noticed the time you called, laughing a little. You said a few more minutes. He got up slowly, getting ready for work.

As he got there, he noticed your items were here already, he walked into the lunchroom serving up coffee. Taking a sip of the coffee, he almost spat it out, the coffee was old. He set up a new batch for the team, looking for you after.

Ruzek had come in, biting off an apple as he took notice of his desk. "Hey who messed with my desk," Burgess was right behind him.

"That'd be you," She sat on her chair, joking around with him.

"Nah, I leave it clean every day," Jay tried calling you again, but still no answer. He tried reasoning with himself, you had a late night and decided to sleep in. But why is your stuff here?

"Y/n cleans it every morning for you," She quipped back. "How do you really not notice?" He mumbled behind his apple, cleaning his desk.

"Where is Y/N, she's usually here, it's not like her to be late?" Al chimed into the conversation. No one knew the answer.

"Her stuff is here," Burgess told them.

"She forgot it?" Hank came in, silencing everyone. He was silent going into his office, stopping when he opened it.

"Who opened my office?" Everyone shook their head, knowing Hanks's favorite rule 'no one in his office without his permission'. "What you're telling me is Casper came in?" He went inside, seeing his computer already logged in. He installed cameras, not CPD approved, but he had to cover all his bases.

Jay knew it was bad timing, but he was starting to get worried. "Sir I know it's not a good time-" Hank went into his files, looking back to last night's footage. You came inside his office, before logging into his computer. "-pass by y/n's place?" It was only when he mentioned your name did he gain interest.

"Isn't y/n here?" Hank needed to talk with you. He knew you understood his boundaries. Hank knows you weren't oblivious to his partnerships, but he made sure you were never a part of it. Jay silence signaling to Hank that you weren't. He waved Jay to come to him.

"Can you tell me why y/n snuck into my office?" He asked Jay. Hank knew the closest one to you was Jay. Both men kept rewatching the footage, seeing if something new would happen. "What happened last night?"

"Nothing, she was studying for her finals after 2 hours I left, but she stayed," Jay couldn't think, what could've happened last night. "She wasn't letting go the case, she felt something was off," Hank went to Atwater who was eating a sandwich.

"Atwater, track y/n's phone," Atwater stood dumbfounded, which only frustrated him. "Now!" He turned to Burgess and Al. "Go to y/n's place,"

Hank called out Antonio, "get me the tapes of the entrance,"


He splashed the bucket onto your already shivering body. Your whole body ached from the shivering and struggle to escape the cuffs. Dudley walked to the corner, eyeing some knives sitting on a table, before grabbing one. As soon as you arrived, Dudley removed your clothes, only leaving you in your undergarments.

"Please stop," Dudley put the slightest pressure against your back, before sliding the knife, feeling the blood trickle down your body. You muffled your cries knowing it only enticed him, but the more he cut, the harder it became.

"Maybe if you didn't snoop, you could be sleeping in your bed right now," He sliced the knife against your chest, finally letting a scream come through. "Ah, there it is,"

"You wouldn't kill me," You fired back.

"No? And why's that,"

"I'm not Tabatha," saying her name, had struck a chord with him. He grabbed your neck, tightening with every breath you tried to take. Before you could doze off he let go. "You already got the wrong girl last time, you wouldn't dare do it twice in a row." Dudley's hand struck against your skin, causing a stinging sensation.

"Why JT?" Dudley slammed the knife against your leg, causing you to wale forward.


"Sarge I got her phone's location." Atwater came into Voight office, bringing the tablet with him. Jay grabbed the tablet, following the coordinates outside. Following the red dot until he reached an empty car. He ducked, spotting the phone. He grabbed the phone, seeing what the last thing you did. It was still replaying the voicemail, you were supposed to give him.

"Jay call me back, we got it wrong it's not-" The conversation became distant, before your heard Y/N's muffled yells. His heart panged as he heard your muffled yells before a thump as everything went silent. Jay walked upstairs as Voight called him into his office.

Antonio had found the videotapes from last night. You were coming downstairs, only minutes after Jay before her eyes caught J.T. Then she started talking to his father. "Look," As Y/N shook his hand, Jay noticed her freeze up. "When he left she went running upstairs, there are no cameras up here, but almost three hours later she left in a hurry outside,"

"There are no cameras where she was taken?" Jay asked him.

"Where she parks there are no cameras," Antonio told him. "We followed until she walked across the street but twenty minutes later." Antonio sped up the footage, showing the white van drive by the polices camera.

"I looked at her history the only two things I could find was that she looked at a case from '89 the murder of a Tabatha Malgrove and an old school yearbook of the same year,"

"Antonio and Atwater, I want you to find Micheal Dudley," Hank wanted to see why you talked to him and hours later you were taken.

"Burgess and Al talk to people, I want to learn more about the Malgrove case," Ruzek left to see if he could find your car, it wasn't in the parking lot.

"Uptown go through that whole yearbook, I want to know what she found" Jay walked to the board, seeing the notes you left.

"She was questioning Brooks's statement the day we visited," Hank came closer to Jay. "It didn't match to the first sighting of the van."

"Okay, and why was nothing done?"

"He had an alibi for two of the abductions," he told Hank. "But she wasn't accepting that, that's when I told her to drop the case," Hank was angry that you didn't listen to him, but he was more scared about losing you. You didn't match his profile, so he doesn't know how much time they have left.

"Pick up Brooks lets talk to him again," he ordered.

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