8- Acceptance And A Load Of Fun

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Harry stirred awake with his head propped on a comfortable pillow, the air smelling of mint and fresh parchment. He nuzzled closer into his pillow, not wanting to open his eyes and face the world just yet, wanting to stay engulfed in this new universe of comfort. But when he felt his pillow shake with a small chuckle, he jolted upright and looked around wildly, almost as if he had just been caught making out with Voldemort himself. It was at this point that Harry realized two things. One, he had been lying on Draco and everybody had been watching him sleep for, according to the clock on the wall, about an hour. And two, he had enjoyed sleeping on Draco and really wanted to just nuzzle back into him.

Then the memories came flooding back to him, first the information on angels and how if they were rejected they died, then the game, what Draco really was, but possibly the worst, or maybe the best, the kiss. The kiss that had set off fireworks between the two boys and had quite literally made Draco glow a blindingly bright light. And what that glow had meant.

Harry knew that he was Draco Malfoy's soulmate, and unless he wanted Draco to die, he couldn't reject him. Their kiss had closed the bond without them even meaning to, and they were now stuck with each other for the rest of their lives unless one of them died. Even then, a part of the other would die with them. Their life forces were now connected. If Draco got hurt, Harry would feel it on the same level, but if Harry was hurt, Draco would feel it ten times worse, almost as though the universe was punishing him for not protecting his mate. So if Harry were to die...Draco would follow soon after.

But those were all negative point, but there were so many positive points as well, such as that any...intimate moment would feel one hundred times better than if they were with anybody else. Which brought Harry to the thought that, although he is eternally bound to Draco, he can still be with other people, right? He made a mental note to ask Hermione more about it later. It was then that Harry realized somebody was trying to talk to him, and that somebody was Draco, who had genuine concern laced through his voice. Harry guessed closing that bond made him a tad bit protective, so Draco's reaction to him staring into space was completely rational, for an angel at least.

"So, are you two like a thing now?" Pansy spoke up in a manner very unlike her, one filled with genuine curiosity as always but also no sarcasm, and it was as polite as any question of the type could possibly be delivered. Everyone turned to look at her with looks of mock shock, all except Harry and Draco, who were continuing to look directly at each other, never breaking eye contact. Harry was trying to communicate with him through his thoughts, for some odd reason, and physically jumped when he could hear Draco's voice in the back of his mind, talking to him and nobody else.

Are we a thing Harry, or are we not?

Harry was so convinced that he was imagining things and that he had really been addressed out loud that he responded to both Draco and Pansy out loud. "Yes, we are a thing." Everybody snapped their heads in his direction, all but Draco shocked by his answer. One kiss and an angelic bond didn't mean they had to be together, surely. But it had just happened and there was no way to explain it other than fate, and the amused smile on Draco's face emphasized that fact. Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter were a couple and would be until the end of time, whether they liked it or not.

Everyone resettled into their seats, Ron and Pansy having a quiet conversation, surprisingly, and Hermione attempting to talk to Blaise about his crush, but only receiving mumbled responses. Draco looked down at Harry who had lay back down on his lap, his eyes fluttering shut with sleep, mumbling about waking him up for Hogwarts before he drifted away into a world of dreams much better than Harry's reality. Reality was a torture for him more than others, even more than the son of a suspected Death Eater.

And that was how the rest of the train ride was spent, only disturbed when they had to change into their school robes ten minutes away from the station. Many people noted how the Golden Trio were walking in a friendly manner beside the children of suspected Death Eater's, specifically Draco. But what none of the general public was aware of was the bond, the relationships, but mostly the truth. Draco had never wanted to hurt people, he had only been misunderstood, judged through the filter of his father's mistakes. What a considerate community they had all been raised in.

The entire group had their own... peculiarity. Ron was considered a traitor and below everybody else because his father loved muggles and his family struggled a little with money. Pansy was seen as a slut and a bitch by everyone she was surrounded by, even though she could actually be really nice and had never really slept with anybody. Hermione was, well, to put it simply, mistreated for her blood status of being muggle born. Blaise was scarred by his father's death and the many step-fathers that had followed, how his mother mistreated him and how he was seen as a male version of his mother who was on husband number twenty seven. Draco had a father who was not only a falsely accused death eater but also an angel just like himself. And Harry was the ' Chosen One', with camera flashes following him everywhere, no family except the abusive aunt, uncle and cousin, and more experience witnessing death than is normal for the average 16 year old boy. See, they all were built on an image that they didn't get to build, it was built for them.

By the time they were all changed, the train had slowed to almost a complete halt, signalling the arrival at Hogsmeade station. All six of the group grabbed their hand luggage and walked onto the platform, still conversing in quiet whispers. Draco and Harry were in the center of the group, the others acting as a human shield to hide the show of them holding hands. They couldn't help it, as soon as they let go, they felt a burning pain in their abdomens that wouldn't have been containable for long. They climbed onto a carriage by themselves, and made their way up to the castle.

During the carriage ride, Draco felt a severe pain in his back on his shoulder blades, a pain that he couldn't really explain. Harry had obviously felt some of that pain too because he started rubbing Draco's back in slow circles. As he was rubbing, his fingers brushed his skin very gently, but it was enough. The brief touch had momentarily relieved all the pain and felt absolutely amazing, causing a small purr to escape from his lips. Everyone looked around in surprise at the noise, unaware that angels could purr. Without warning, Harry burst into laughter, the others following close after, even Draco after a moment more of scowling, his pain long forgotten. Harry being happy had cured all his pain instantly. Harry must have been scared, the spot Draco had felt the pain in was roughly where his wings would be, and they only desperately wanted to come out when the mate was scared or in danger.

And Harry Potter was always in danger. Draco was already mourning his wardrobe. The rest of the carriage ride was spent enjoying themselves and laughing until it hurt, the occasional growl from Draco when his angel side misunderstood sarcastic insults at Harry. But overall it was fun, and it stretched on all the way up to the front doors of the castle.

This year was going to be so much better than any of them had anticipated.

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