Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The week continued and soon enough, Friday had already arrived. Harry had been to the studio but was still unable to come up with anything new. Instead, they spent time recording the instrumental version of "Golden," getting it ready for Harry to sing over. They were almost finished at that which would leave them with one complete song. Harry had added a bit more to "Fine Line" but not enough to finish it. Without knowing what the rest of the album would be like, he said that it would be the last song on it and "Golden" would be the opener.

Harry didn't have to go back to the studio until Monday so he planned on spending his time with Stella, hoping that they could write something together. He woke up and went to take a shower. Once he was done, he went into the living room to see Stella making tea in the kitchen.

"Good morning." Her voice sounded like butter on toast. Speaking of toast, Harry put a few pieces of bread into the toaster.

"Morning, love." Harry smiled as he walked past her to grab the jam from the fridge.

"Are you going to the studio today?" Stella asked, looking at the time and noticing that he'd normally be gone by now.

"No. Actually, if you aren't busy, I was hoping we could try writing something." Harry suggested the idea, his toast popping up.

"I'm not busy unless you call watching Netflix for hours busy." Stella laughed.

"Great. In that case, let's get to work." Harry said, walking out with his toast.

Stella, not expecting Harry to be in such a rush, quickly poured her tea into a mug, adding some milk and sugar to it. She followed Harry into the living room, seeing that he had his guitar and ukulele sitting out by the piano. She sat next to him on the piano bench, seeing that he also had a notebook and some pens laid out for them.

"Wow. You weren't kidding." Stella said, looking around at all the different materials Harry had.

"No, I wasn't. Did you ever finish up that song?" Harry asked, referring to the one she had shown him a couple of days ago.

"I did for the most part." She nodded, taking a sip of her hot tea.

"Play it for me." Harry said rather than asked.

"I just woke up. Trust me, you don't want me singing right now." Stella tried to change Harry's mind.

"Fine. Let's do some warm-ups then." Harry said, wanting to hear Stella sing her song.

"I-" Stella started to object but Harry butt in with a vocal exercise. After a few seconds of Stella knowing that Harry wouldn't stop, she joined him and began to warm up her vocal cords.

"Now that we're warmed up, you don't have an excuse." Harry told Stella who knew that she had no other option at this point.

"Scoot over some now." She instructed Harry, placing her mug on the side table.

"Okay, okay!" He put his hands up in defense, smiling at her.

"Do you ever question if God is real
and if he is, does he listen
to all my complaints, all my mistakes
all the things I wish I could unsay
Does he take note of all those things?" She sang the first verse, closing her eyes to try and calm her nerves.

"Do you ever question if God is fair
and if he is then why'd he take you away?
Where's the justice in pain and suffering?
What did I do to deserve this?" She got to the second verse.

"What did I do to make him so obsessed with ruining everything for me?
What did I do to make him so overzealous that he has to interfere?
I mean, there's billions and yet somehow, I've managed to capture his attention.
I should feel like I'm special, but I don't." She sang the pre-chorus, getting ready to enter the chorus.

Fine Line [h. styles]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant