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(Forewarning: This is a SATIRE. If you are confused about exactly what that is, please look it up before continuing.)

Hello Wattpadians!

This is KC Blares, author of the 6 million reader-hit, I don't Mate with Jerks. Odds are, if you're here, you've read it. Perhaps, you've even read the sequel or another story/series of mine. 

Good, I'm glad you've made your way here because this story pertains to you and the rest of mankind.

This is a list, rather a story, of grievences. If you don't know what that is, then you are too young to be here and I suggest that you leave now before I begin. 

Here, I will be writing about every little thing that gets on a author's patience, particularly those on Wattpad. Each chapter will be about a different annoyance, a different type of internet troll, and different views from that of a reader. I will be teaching you definitions because I have noticed many of you lovely people don't know SHIT! 

Throughout this story, I will be gathering information from other Wattpad hits/authors to prove that I am not the only one who feels these problems. These are not only personal experiences, but observations that really bring out the homicidal side of me.

WARNING: there will be swearing, people-shaming, shit-throwing, rage-fests that you may not want to be apart of. I am not writing this to argue: I'm writing this because throughout my time on Wattpad, I have come across and argued with an array of people who don't seem to understand: the author, the author's position, criticism, bullying, and MATURITY.

You have been warned. If you read further, prepare yourself for my exercise of public speech because I will be taking advantage of that right, despite how it makes you feel.

Lesson 1: It's MY account. I control what happens in MY stories. I am the author, NOT you. Nothing you say or do will change how I choose to write MY story.

You've been warned.

Killing KC BlaresWhere stories live. Discover now