living in the past

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Ann Landers once said "There are people who believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it."

Her words probably sums up the wisdom of letting go of the past and living in the present.

Living in the past can make you lose sight of your present life It can mess up your present, make you pass up many wonderful opportunities and steal your ability to enjoy the moment. If you have realized that you are focusing too much on past events, here is how to stop living in the past:

1. Step back and examine your past
Most people live their lives without taking the time to examine where they are coming from or where they are headed. The only way you are going to understand your life including your past, present and future is by taking the time to examine how you live.

2. Explore and process your feelings about the past.
There are many events in your past-good and bad- that have the ability to hold your life hostage. Rather than take the road most traveled which involves ignoring the past and pretending it does not matter, you need to go back and explore it. You may not like what lurks in your past but there is only one way to deal with it successfully-to explore it by expressing your feelings about it.
To explore and process your feelings about the past, you have several options. These include:

Write down your feelings about the past. Here, you can opt to keep a journal or write a letter to someone that hurt you. However, do not send it.

Talk to a therapist, to a family member or a therapist

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Talk to a therapist, to a family member or a therapist.

Most people think that it is only bad memories that can affect their lives. What such people do not know is that dwelling on good memories can also affect your life. Dwelling on good memories often lead to longing for things as they were, rather than focusing on improving the present life.

3. Surrender to past events and accept their effects on your life.

To let go of your past, you need to acknowledge the experiences that made you cry, laugh and helped to shape you into what you are today. You need to accept everything you have today, everything you had and acknowledge the possibilities that lay ahead.

 You need to accept everything you have today, everything you had and acknowledge the possibilities that lay ahead

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