body confidence 💎

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I watched the video above and I like the way she explained how changing the negative mindset you view yourself to a positive mindset can effect the way you think and act in a positive way. The video is based on the effect of changing your negative view of your appearance to a more positive mindset💃

 The video is based on the effect of changing your negative view of your appearance to a more positive mindset💃

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Poor body image can have a greater impact on your quality of life than you may realise. A few negative thoughts here and there can soon escalate, resulting in social withdrawal, anxiety and depression.

Negative body image isn't a subject that should be taken lightly. It's effects can take a significant toll on the body, both physically and emotionally. Sufferers often become so consumed by the idea of the 'perfect body' that they forget what's healthy and set unrealistic goals for themselves, leading to further emotional distress and disappointment. Women are the most guilty of not accepting and appreciating their body type.

"According to the charity, "approximately 91% of women are unhappy with their bodies" and from those surveyed, "more than 40% of women and around 20% of men agreed they would consider cosmetic surgery in the future."

1. Fake it till you make it

You may have met individuals who aren't conventionally good looking, yet still have heads turning as they enter a room. That's because body confidence is attractive, and if you love the way you look, so will everybody else.

After years of self deprecation, ditching your negative mindset can seem impossible. So start by faking it. When you catch yourself in the mirror don't pick up on every single flaw. Instead tell yourself that you're beautiful. Carrying yourself with confidence will eventually become second nature to you and you'll feel much better about yourself.

 Carrying yourself with confidence will eventually become second nature to you and you'll feel much better about yourself

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2. You are your bestfriend

When your inner voice starts to bad mouth the way you look,

When your inner voice starts to bad mouth the way you look,

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