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Standing up for yourself:

Is letting people know how you want to be treated. This doesn't mean explicitly telling them. It means being aware of how your actions, words, and outward decisions appear to others.

Being a pushover is not synonymous with having a good heart. Allowing people to disrespect you and abuse you doesn't automatically mean you are a good person.

Standing up for yourself doesn't make you a b**** and being firm doesn't make you an aggressive person. We have got to stop pushing the narrative that you have to be weak and submissive to show that you are a nice person. We have to stop teaching women that if they don't tolerate bullshit then they are bitter. I constantly see posts like "I know I'm a good person because I was there for people who wouldn't do the same for me" or I hear people say things like " I put up with so much mistreatment because I have such a big heart" Like...What? No. You can have the biggest heart and still know that you deserve better. You can be such a good person without tolerating disrespect. You can be kind an strong. Set your boundaries!

By @lovebrwn



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