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During the next two days Leif, Rhys, and Noi have been rather pushy on the subject on Ava marrying them, though it was cute at first, the attention was draining the young ravenette and she was finding ways to seek shelter in the bathroom since the boys refuse to enter there when she was in there. Flora on the other hand may have two suitors, but these two contrasts each other immensely with Asch's loud and forceful behavior against Pierce's calm and toned down attitude, it was a combination between fire and ice cliché's though she handled it well than her sister, it still bothered her at the idea of choosing between the two since she wasn't comfortable with one, but feels guilty on shunning him while being comfortable with the other yet still not enough to actually be around with like she used to. What's worse is the fact Pierce believes his father had set this arrangement way before both were even aware so it made things a little worse on her mental state. With Asch it was obvious he was after something, something that only Flora had since if he truly wanted to just be king of e-arth than he would have chased Ava with the others while Pierce would have been the stating male to try and woo her. 'It doesn't matter now, what matters is calming both parties down before things escalate way worse than it will be,' she thought as she sits in the middle of her circle; she drew it a few minutes ago and had lit up some candles and incense; she began mediating in hopes to smooth out her worried mind and increase her Mana since she had been using it a lot more than usual... Mostly to kick the boys out of the bedroom since Asch literally has been seductive with her and being hands on, which by the way was a whole 360 degrees from his usual explosive behavior. Who knew the fiery Prince was smooth with the ladies, which meant it wasn't his first rodeo; 'That's an image I rather not imagine now! Just gotta stay calm and focus more on refueling my Mana,' she thought as she slowly began inhaling and exhaling in steady and even breaths.

Clearing her mind to the best of her ability until she was now cloaked in darkness...

"Flora!" well that plan didn't last.

"Ava... I was mediating, I need to practice the essence exchange!" she whined as she got up and glared at her sister as she gave her a sheepish grin, but then it was wiped off and replaced with an angry scowl, "We have a giant worldly portal to another room in our apartment," she went as she signaled her to follow her, Flora whipped a small wave of air and put out all of the candles before rushing behind her sister, seeing that she had enter the lion's den. "Of course, drag me into this why don't cha?" she whined before running after her sister and into the Daemos's living space, which was still grand and beautiful as ever, "when I see those idiots, I'm going to stab them with my stabby pencil and demand answers!" she went while jabbing the air with her large number one pencil, "Ava isn't playing around this time."

"Why is Ava speaking in third person?" asked Flora as she smirked at her sister's angry face.

"Nevermind that!" she went as she continued to walk around the room, passing an archway, "it's our fault for not doing this in the beginning! We've been too distracted by how sexy they are and we-" Ava stopped talking and was now staring ahead. "What are you staring at?" Flora asked as she approached her before she too was staring in shock; it was a large open area with shallow waters and steam rising from it's liquid, "this is the most gorgeous hot tub I ever seen!" cried Ava.

"Wait... THEY HAD A HOT TUB AND DIDN'T TELL US!!?!?!" went Flora.

Ava approached closer to the hot spring and began giggling, "screw finding those guys, I'm sure they won't mind us using their hot tub," she went as she began slipping off her clothes leaving her in her bra and matching undies.

"Really Ava?" went Flora as she looked away from her sister who by now slipped into the waters and was now settling with a peaceful smile on her face. "I don't think you should be in there Ava," went Flora as she tries to tear her eyes away from the spring, "come on sis! It's not like they would care, beside we let them stay in our apartment! We deserve this," she went gesturing Flora to join her. Flora glared at the tempting waters, but in the end she sighed and easily began stripping down her dress, leaving her in her own matching undies and bra. Quickly slipping into the waters which rapidly loosen every muscle in her body and caused her to just sink deeper inside, "whoa," giggled her sister, "you okay?" she watched as her sister sink further into the water staying below for a good solid second before rising up and was now droopy and giggly. "I'm all good~" she sang as she kept her head above the water. Her lavender hair returned it shiny glittery look and her skin had brighten a little and dazzled among the waters, "wow, whatever is in the water is helping you look healthier now," went Ava, but her sister was too spaced out to noticed.

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