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A/N: when this star "*" shows up it means some what of an adult theme or a sexual scene... Okay? OKay! Let's continue on with the story!


The sky was bright today, Flora was happily gathering flowers in attempt to make a crown for the old Queen, who didn't sit far from her and her sister. In her hands was a large book which held the tales that spoke of giants and fairies that dance, a solemn expression was on her beautiful face as her horns were decorated with the small blossoms from the apple tree. Ava said the light pink looks cute with her beautiful blue horns and her midnight hair, "Mama!" she went as she returned with the crown now completely finished, the old Queen smiled at her as she put her book down to embrace her. Soon Ava followed with her dress curled and a fresh batch of berries and nuts stained her satin skirt as she skipped towards them. Both found refuge upon her lap as they offer their gifts to her.

"my beautiful bloom and starlight, the gods have blessed me with the purest of divine fawns I have ever witness, and am grateful to be raising," she went kissing each of their foreheads while humming a soft tune to them. Flora placed the crown on the Queen as Ava offered a sweet berry to the Queen lips; she happily chuckled and ate the berry before kissing Ava's cheek and then once again kissed Flora.

"Queen Marla..." all three turned to see Markus in his usual attire, "Lord Andrew and Lord Devin requests the girls to retreat to the cottage, the sky will be crying soon," he went.

"I see..." she went as she gesture the girls to get up, "come my children, we best go inside before the sky sheds their tears." Ava got up not wishing to let the berries and nuts go to waste she looked to Markus for help which he happily did, lifting the young sapling in his arms and walked towards the cozy cottage. Flora reached to the Queen who happily offered her hand. They all walked inside where both their Father's awaited for their two precious jewels, "aw Ava," went Devin as he took Ava within his arms and cradled her as if she were a babe.

"I want to make a pie Papa!" giggled Ava as she didn't mind the stain that soaked on her dress.

Andrew chuckled at their child antics and soon turned his attention to Marla and Flora, "Mama is pretty, huh Daddy" smiled Flora.

"Yes Mama is very pretty Flora," he went as he gestured for a hug which Flora happily ran for, being lifted from the group as the warmth of her father's form offer happily.

Both Fathers came together to embrace either girls until holding out their hand to Marla, "you're family too Marla, we wouldn't leave you out," they smiled causing the old Queen to tear up and accept their offer. Soon all three parents were happily doting on their children until a bell rung from the front door, both girls were said to go behind their Mama while their Fathers and guard check on who it was, once they opened the door, the room that was once full of warmth and happiness suddenly turned sour and cold, "what are you doing here?" growled Devin as he seemed to be facing a faceless woman with long dirty blonde hair and a large sun hat that covered her from the rain. Her words sound gibberish and odd to Flora and Ava causing them to become scared of the woman, "you left them along time ago because of "Mr. Wolf" we both know what you truly did ---- it wasn't fair for Ava and Flora, what you have done to them was wrong!"

The woman continued talking almost looked to be begging, "so be it ----! We have faced it before we sure as hell will survive it, with or without your help or from "them" now leave and never return to this place," he growled as he slammed the door upon the woman as her voice echoed through Flora's head almost painfully calling out for forgiveness and held shame.

                                             Flora woke up glued to the bed, panting heavily as she awoke from that horrible dream; 'seems my suspicion was right... Mother had abandon us... but what for? And who is this Mr. Wolf person... he sounds rather important to be brought up by our Dad,' she thought as she try and get up from her comfortable prison. She slowly attempted her body to slide off the bed and try to walk to the door, though she wasn't sure if anyone was awake at the time, but hopefully she wouldn't see anyone now... She didn't feel like facing any of them after what had happened with Noi. Especially after being told what power she had within her, 'is that why my magic was always strong? No, even I would know the difference between it when in use, but still... How long have I had it? Was it there when Marla came into our lives? Or did it appear when the boys started living with us?' she thought.

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