A side of you

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Ava, Leif, Rhys, Noi, and Lorelei had just left the movies after Leif had caused so many ruckuses inside the movie theater; they were all kicked out because of it. Though neither Lorelei and Ava were mad about it and just decided to find Flora and her dates, "they should be done by now with their date, maybe we should stop by or call them?" asked Lorelei which Ava quickly agreed. "How will we do that?" asked Leif as they began leaving the building with the guard eying them leave; "usually by a phone, but I don't think she brought it this time," went Ava.

"Why wouldn't she?"

"She rarely leaves the house Lorelei, so usually she wouldn't have any use for it beside looking up videos or recipes," Ava looked up the road to see a glimmer of light from what she believe was the market, "come on, it's this way," she went dragging everyone behind her as they made their way to the Market, however little did they know they had a few... followers heading that way as well...

                                            Flora seated herself beside Pierce watching the child and the grown man just bicker to each other, though all is nothing, but pure fun seeing as both held a smile upon their lips. It was just as nice as it was yesterday. "You seem to be at ease, Flora," went Pierce as the young woman release a satisfy sigh, "just content with how things are I guess... downside is not finding her parents," she said while leaning against him, "I'm not sure what we're going to do if we can't find them."

"Sister!" Flora and Pierce perked up as they watched the young child skip over to them, "should we get going? Mommy and Daddy did say there's a coven's home not far from here, we can go check it out!" she went.

"I don't know Honey, I'm not part of any coven so I don't think they'll be accepting with an outsider trying to enter their lair," said Flora.

"We could try and tell them the situation," went Pierce.

"No good, most covens are secretive and more than likely be hostile considering what had happened in the past, the best course of action is to find someone with a connection to the coven. Though that's unlikely since we know no one from there and Honey here, isn't exactly an ideal use for gaining access to the inside," Flora sighed as she thought about this knowing full well that she was right, most of the coven's were very secretive and protective of their homes and dens, the only time they ever got along and come together was for celebrations, festivals, and rituals, "what should we do now then?"

"Flora! Pierce! Asch!" all three adults turn to see their friends coming up the gravel road, "any luck?" asked Ava.

"No luck, but Honey suggested we go to the coven's home, but not sure it's a good idea," went Flora.

"I Figured..." Ava sighed, "find another member and notify them of us taking her with us, we can't abandon her."

"Why not just drop her off at the sheriff's station?" asked Lorelei; everyone seems to have forgotten that she was with them and lived a normal human life compare to Ava and Flora; "no, not this girl Lorelei... the police wouldn't know what to do since this is out of their jurisdiction, especially with our Dad fighting for office." Flora shivered at the thought along with Ava, both sisters knew of the drastic measures most police in the system would do to anyone who showed signs of witchcraft or particular magic abilities. Some were down right sadistic and cruel yet manage to get away with everything due to the loop holes created within their rules, it made Ava and Flora sick at the mere thought of it. "Anyway, I guess we can call it a day then," went Flora as she rise to her feet, "come on Honey," she went as the child skipped over and leaped into the young woman's arms, "how about we have a sleepover today and tomorrow we go find your mama and papa, okay?"


                               The group got to the apartment after notifying a few members of the covens nearby about the young girl, "Honey" (her actual name) had taken over Flora's bedroom having Mirage guard the young child (and her stuff.) "Where will you sleep sis?" asked Ava as she worried about her sister's wellbeing, "I'll sleep on the couch sis, it's only until we find her parents, beside what's the worst that can happen-"

"Unacceptable! A Queen must sleep on a bed made for Royalty not sleep on some peasant bed!" growled Asch.

"I can't leave her alone in my room Asch, there are too many important things in there, plus what if she cries or gets scared, someone needs to be around to calm her down," went Flora.

"I got it sis," went Ava, "you just go sleep with one of the guys for now," she said patting her sister's back, "who are you and what have you done to my sister!?" Flora declared causing the boys to stiffen at the accusing, "WHOA CALM DOWN SIS!" laughed Ava, "and boys! It's just a saying Flora has a habit saying it whenever I act different," she went clearing up the misunderstanding before it could get out of hand, "anyway," she went as she turned to Leif, "I trust you won't do anything to her," the albino male stiffen once again as he was pointed out, "wait why Leif!?" growled Asch while Pierce gave off a menacing glare, "she had slept with him before without any incidents, plus Leif's reasons maybe idiotic and murderous, but I do believe he won't do anything that could truly harm my sister unless he was sure or ordered to do so," went Ava.

Flora wasn't so sure about it, but she didn't really have a problem with it since honestly Leif wasn't all to menacing... at least to her, but her sister was insane to actually send her to another's man's bed, "I don't know about that Ava..."

"Well would you prefer Rhys or Noi?" she asked earning a confused looks from the other boys, "why are you so okay with this?" asked Flora. "Honestly I would make you sleep with me, but then I remember you need to be near the guys for a while since your due to have another transfer in a few days now, or maybe sooner, I rather not have to run to get one of the guys to transfer it to you," she said.

"WHY LEIF THOUGH!?" she asked.

"Punishment for being out late and well as pissing off Asch," Ava beamed.


                                      Flora imprinted her face into one of the silken pillows, Leif was already shirtless and she was too embarrassed of the punishment her sister had placed upon her, "you know, you're a Queen, but you let Ava take the reins of controlling you," went Leif as he seated himself beside her, "well, she had more experience out there than I did, I've been sheltered and hidden from the world since I got back from the refugee camp," said Flora.

Leif just looked over her curiously, though he just simply shrugged as he began getting his boots off, "you're bound to get over it, a Queen needs to guide her subjects when the time comes," he went. Flora was taken by surprised by the sudden wisdom Leif offered, "what?"

"You said something that was meaningful for once," she said causing the male to grow angry at her, "HEY! I CAN BE SMART WHEN I WANNA BE!" she chuckled at his behavior as she felt the tension in her form began to ease up, "nonetheless, its good to know you have that side of you Leif... but how come you don't show it often?" she asked causing the Albino to pause mid-way on whatever he was doing, though he didn't seem to be sharing anything that may have bothered him, "just go to sleep."




Anyway stay safe out there my friends! i know times are getting tough right now, but just hold out a while longer everyone, your doing great for staying inside and distancing yourself from everyone. play it safe guys!


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