28. Quick Battle

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  The moment we stepped outside the Gemini dorm building I knew I wasn't ready to fight the System. What did I know about fighting? The last time I fought anything, I had been kidnapped and thrown over my best friend's shoulder like I weighed nothing.

  There were students running everywhere. The Zodiacs were probably at the front of the battle somewhere. They must have known first when the R.S. marched onto Zodiac grounds. They probably weren't very happy they had been surprised and caught off guard when the rebels had marched onto their property the first time.

  Screaming could be heard and I hoped it wasn't from people dying. Getting hurt or barking orders, please. Dying, no thank you. Char ran toward the noise and Jaxson waited for me.

  "Are you ready for this?" he asked.

  "No," I breathed, "but I'm going to do this anyway."

  He looked down at me with a small smile. "That's the spirit."

  We ran after Char. Soon I could see the group of people that were making the noise. It was a mix of random clothing and then bright pink uniforms. I had never seen them before. They had to be the rebels.

  "Don't fight the pink uniforms! Those are the Rogue Signs!" Jaxson yelled once we caught up to Char.

  Char nodded and broke off to go fight someone else. I stopped myself from thinking of how he could just split off from us so easily and looked to the task at hand.

  Fight everybody but the people in pink. Why pink? And what about the students who might want to join? Are we just going to break them down?

  I ducked, avoiding an airborne object. I tripped a student. She yelped and I paused from running away. Jenny was lying on the ground. I ran back to her and apologized profusely.

  "What the heck, Aquarius! They're in bright pink!" she yelled, waving her arms at her grey attire.

  "I'm sorry," I repeated. I offered my hand and she took it.

  She smacked a boy in pink in the face with Air as she fumed at me. "Are you blind?"

  I tripped a random person behind my back and she raised a brow, frowning deeper. "Look, Jenny," I started.

  "Wait," she interrupted, "you're gonna side with these goons?"

  "It's not like that," I stated, pushing the stray hairs out of my face.

  "Then what is it like?" she asked.

  I thought about it as the chaos around us proceeded to occur. It was too loud to think properly and give her a reply full of wit, so I just sighed and agreed with her. I mean, she was right after all.

  Before she could rip me a new one, Cho appeared beside us. "What are you doing? Don't just stand there!"

  "She's not with us," Jenny said. Her voice was full of disgust. I could see it in her body language that she was about to use Air against me. She was going to dump our friendship just like that. Because we believed in different things.

  The Air hit me and then I was being lifted. Cho was using his own Air to keep me from falling. "What the heck, Jenny?" he yelled. "She's our friend!"

  "She's a traitor!" She swiped her hands down roughly and I started to plummet.

  Cho planted his feet against the ground and shoved me back into the sky. It was a great time to figure out that I had motion sickness when thrown into a situation like this. I covered my mouth to try to avoid the vomit threatening to crawl up my throat.

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