The Girl - 2

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Word Count: 1372

"Wait!" Connor called out to her "What is this place?"
She stopped but didn't turn around... "It's your mind palace Connor...the safest place for you."


Chloe stood still, she was in shock... she glanced up at Hank who was staring at the blue blood-covered walls

"Let me out of here" Chloe tried not to look at the blood "I'm calling CyberLife" She mumbled as she rushed out of the room

Less than an hour later, members of the CyberLife team came in and cleaned up the whole scene acting as of nothing happened. A manager of the nearest CyberLife store walked up to Hank and Chloe

"Detective, I am very sorry about the incident" He spat out as if it was rehearsed

Chloe mumbled a couple of inaudible words but what cut off

"We will be sending a new prototype out to help the investigations" He continued "He will still have all of his "memories" He chuckled as he put up finger quotes

Hank nodded "Thank you"

"If that's it" He finished "I will be on my way"

Chloe forced a smile "Thank you" She whispered 

"Lieutenant, Detective" He smiled walking away with his clean up crew


Connor looked around... he was surrounded by a garden

It was...beautiful

A new task had entered his program

Find Amanda

He searched the whole garden and was greeted by a lady in all white

"Hello Amanda" He spoke as if he knew her

"Connor" She turned around with a big smile

"It's good to see you" Her smile fell "Your predecessor was unfortunately destroyed"

She seemed almost angry

Amanda continued to speak about the incident that happened in the interrogation room. "When a Connor model is destroyed... its memory is transferred to the next one" She paused and tapped her head "But some data can be lost in the process"

Connor listened carefully

"Avoid being destroyed...It would be better for you and the investigation...." Amanda's words flowed out of her mouth

She continued to ask about the deviant Connor questioned that morning

"This Lieutenant Anderson has been officially assigned to all deviancy cases," She thought for a moment "What do you make of him?" She asked

Connor remained silent and thought for a moment "I don't have enough information to form an opinion " He shook his head

"More and more androids show signs of deviance, If they become unstable the consequences will be disastrous. You are the most advanced prototype CyberLife has ever created"

She moved closer to Connor "If anyone can figure this out it's you, Connor"

"You can count on me Amanda" Connor smiled and nodded

"Pick up the investigation where the previous Connor my left off and put a stop to this" She replied firmly and she turned around and walked away

"Wait!" Connor called out to her "What is this place?"

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