The Twin - 13

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Word Count: 1718

"Connor" She stopped him
He turned around and looked at Chloe
"Save your people" She smiled
He smiled back as they parted ways, both for filling their missions


Connor and Chloe stood in a close embrace as Markus walked to the center of the church

"Humans have decided to exterminate us. Our people are packed in camps right now...being destroyed" He started "Time has come to make a choice. One that very well may determine the future of our people! I know...I know you're all angry. I know you all want to fight back" Markus paced around "But I assure you voice is not the answer here. We are going to tell them peacefully that we want justice...if there's any humanity in them, they will listen. And if not...others will take our place and continue this fight" His voice echoes through the church...filling each android with hope "Are you ready to follow me!" Markus looked around at his people

They androids all started to cheer... they were with him and they were going to fight to be free. After a few moments Connor turned to Chloe

"Chloe..." He whispered softly

"Connor, what's wrong?" She asked in a fear

"I have to go to CyberLife...I'm going to convert each android there" Connor started "Our numbers will double...they'll have to listen to us"

Chloe's face fell "What if something happens?"

"They'll be expecting me" Connor touched her shoulder "I'll be okay"

"Let me come with you" Chloe took Connor's hand into hers

"Chloe you know you can't---"

She cut him off "Please Connor" She whispered softly

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you" Connor looked into Chloe's blue eyes

"Promise me you'll try to be safe" Tears filled her eyes

Connor smiled and nodded

"Don't do anything stupid Connor" Chloe hugged him tightly

Connor laughed under his breath

"I'll be watching the march from the sidelines" She pulled away

Connor began to walk away

"Connor" She stopped him

He turned around and looked at Chloe

"Save your people" She smiled

He smiled back as they parted ways, both for filling their own missions


As Connor walked outside he called a taxi to come and take him to the cyberlife tower. He stared out the window as they took the quick drive there, Connor watched the snow fall on the white-covered roads... he stared at the tower that lit up all of Detroit. Two guards stopped the car and he neared the front of the building, the window automatically rolled down

"Connor model #313 248 317...I'm expected" Connor said as if these words were ingrained in his programing

The guard nodded and motioned for the gate to come down. Connor's car window rolled up and he proceeded into CyberLife. He stepped out of the car and walked to the front door

"Follow me. We'll escort you" A guard, suited in full body armor greeted Connor

"Thanks...but I know where to go" Connor answered trying to pass them

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