Detective Chloe Anderson - 3

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Word Count: 1728

"Chloe's going to meet us there," Hank said after a long pause of silence
"Why Lieutenant" Connor tilted his head
"Because she's my daughter and she asked to have a quick lunch" Hank gave Connor an annoyed look


Connor's eyes widen "Detective Chloe Anderson" Connor mumbled in the realization 

Hank just nodded "That's her"

Connor turned his head to look back at Chloe, she was sitting at her desk typing

"Stop looking at her, will you?" Hank blurted out

"Sorry Lieutenant" Connor snapped his head back

"She just doesn't look like you" He laughed and smiled 

"She looks like her mother" Hank replied in an annoyed voice

Connor just nodded and looked down, this just became an awkward situation

"A lot of people don't appreciate having an android around" Connor broke the silence "Is there a specific reason why you despise me?"

"Yeah..." Hank sighed "There is one"

He was getting even more annoyed so Connor just stared at his desk

"If you have any files on deviants I would like to look at them" He didn't want to make the situation worse and tried to leave Hank alone

"It's on your computer" Hank mumbled and pointed 

Connor just looked down and started working, he read case file after case file deviancy around the country

"243 files, first dating back nine months" Connor started " An AX400 was reported of assaulting a man last night. That would be a good start for this investigation"

Connor got up and walked to Hank's side of the desk "I know you didn't ask for this investigation Lieutenant. But I'm sure---"

Hank cut Connor off "Why don't you go f*** yourself"

Connor put both hands down on Hank's desk "I've been assigned this mission Lieutenant. I didn't come here to wait until you feel like working" He said determinedly

Hank grabbed Connor by the collar and threw him up against the wall "Listen to asshole, it if was up to me I would throw you into a dumpster and set a match to it" He yelled causing almost every head in the police department to turn "So stop pissing me off" He paused and moved closer to Connor's face "Or it's going to get nasty"

"Lieutenant" Chloe raised her voice

Hank let go of Connor

"We got a lead" She glanced at Connor who seemed uncomfortable

"I'll get on it" Hank mumbled back

"Fowler wants it done now," She told the fired-up officer 

Hank groaned... "Fine...we're heading out" 

Chloe watched him leave and then looked back at Connor

He fixed his shirt and tie and followed Hank out of the police department


Hank and Connor reported to the scene where the deviants were the last scene. Hank still spoke distantly, he wouldn't talk casually, only in an upset voice. After separating and both investigating their areas Connor approached Hank

The deviants couldn't have gone far" Connor said, "It acted in fear-"

"Androids can't feel fear" Hank laughed

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