False Hope

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I woke up and got out of the bed. I walked towards the door and opened it. I walked over to Drew's room. I knocked and opened the door. "Drew," I saw everyone else in their beds. 

They all looked up to me. "I'm sorry for being a disaster for the past two days. But my boyfriend was with me for a long time. It hurt me to know I would never be able to see him again. But if you want to, you can come train with me. Don't push yourselves too hard either. But I have a feeling this is a war that is not won yet." I warned them all. 

"We accept your apology, and we will train."

"Good. I will set up a course for the kids." I walked out and walked down the stairs. My quads were burning from the exercises. But it's not like I can quit or take a break. I made a little course for jumping obstacles. 

They can jump on one thing to the next like how I used the jail cell to work with me. I set up the body bags as they finally came down. "Let's do this. When you can work with the body bags, You will train with some of my shedevils because I am to intermediate. The kids will jump from one station to the next. Than after that we will do laps in the swimming pool." I walked up the stairs and woke up my shedevils apologized to them about my attitude and asked who would want to train with me. 

They all came down the stairs as we got into the sparring ring. "Come on." six of them came in. 

I saw the shock on Drew's face. "I am ready." I spoke. 

They all started to lung at me but I kept taking them out. New girls would come in who had energy and would fight me. I took every girl out whether it was a team-up against me I always took them out. "You guys need to keep up your training. We don't want anyone thinking our standard have slipped." They all nodded. 

"Yes Mam."

"but in the end... You fought well. I will give you a list on what to improve on and you will improve on it." 

"Yes Mam!" I walked out of there. "Relax until you catch your breath." 

"Let's do some laps in the pool. The kids can just play around. We do have life-jackets." We all got in the water and did some laps. 

"Poison!" I stuck my head out of the water. 

"They are here and looking for all of you. Word is out on the streets that they have vans. You need to get out of here. I got out as she gave me a bag and a backpack. You need to leave." I nodded. 

"Everyone get out of the pool get dressed we need to evacuate now!" I shouted as we all headed upstairs. I waited for everyone.

I counted five and we headed out. I made sure no one was looking. "Let's fly. Ill take one kid someone else take another." 


"We need to fly quickly." I grabbed the girl. 

"Hang onto me okay?" She nodded. 

"Let's go!" Drew grabbed the boy and we took lift off. 

We quickly flew past the cities as the air rushed around us. I flew quicker and faster we got into a forest. We landed. The girl was tired and sleepy. "You all stay here I will scout." I wasn't scouting because I thought we were followed. I was looking for shelter. 

I looked to see a hill and I flew into a cave looking for a night shelter. I saw no one, no bear in the cave. Good. I flew back towards them as it started to thunder. This is why I looked for other shelter. I got back to see everyone gone. Where did they Go? I Looked in the trees. "Drew?!" I shouted. But nothing came back. 

No shout, no call. But I saw a shadow in the woods of a human. "I heard that you were all lab experiments. We were going to break you out. But when we got there you were already broken out. We have your friends but don't worry. They are going to a school, as well as you." I nodded. 

"I need proof you have my friends." I spoke. 

Soon I heard his voice inside of my head without him speaking. "Because we are all alike in different ways." I nodded. 

"Very well are they okay?"

"Well they are all freaking out." 

"I'll calm them down." 

I walked with him as he had them tied up. "Well no wonder why they are freaking out, you tied them up!"

"They started fighting."

I untied them all one by one. "So what's the school." 

"Well you all have wings. You all will be on different teams due to your ages however, we will help you learn about your powers." 

"I don't have any powers." I blurted. 

"But you do." Some guy came out. Instantly somehow I felt a connection to him. Just by looking at him. 

I looked him in the eyes. "You don't know that." I could feel his gaze staring into mine. 

I don't get intimidated easily. Unless it's the feeling. He has a feeling towards me that I know will be stronger like how I knew about Cameron and I. I couldn't do the heartbreak again. "I am sorry. But I am not going. You will have to catch me!" I spoke as I jumped into the air. 

"So be it!" I heard his voice. I heard the sound of wings flapping beside me and saw him flying beside me. 

"I am not going to hurt you nor is anyone else." 

"Come on you have to feel it don't you?" I asked him. 

"What? The feeling that your cute and I want to protect you from any harm." 

"Than don't love me. Because I just lost my boyfriend. I am not ready for relationships I am not ready for anything leave me alone. Please!" I asked. 

"But I can't, theres some urge that makes me want to help. Your eyes are like no others I have seen. There is no doubt there is a story." Funny part is I have been distracting him with talking. I just needed to escape. 

He grabbed my hand and an electric wave shot through both of our bodies sending us for a landing or at least me. 


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