Picking Up The Pieces

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I don't understand, She left. She left a note for us to find. More like a letter. But my heart ached as I read the letter. We were left to pick up the pieces. She made a decision and I had to keep moving forward. She was my soulmate. Why didn't she understand that? She could be in danger! She could be in trouble but how would I be able to help her? I won't find her. There are four directions and only I am allowed to go looking. I walked into the cafeteria for breakfast as the headmaster saw me. "Manearo, she will come back. Just give her time. She has been through hell." He spoke. 

"She is putting me through hell." 

One of her friends came up to me. "Technically you are the reason why she left. She needs to figure out how to love again and how to open her heart up once more in that way. She is afraid to and she is still mourning from her boyfriends death. She took it so hard she was training, constantly. She is afraid to love again, And you think she is putting you through hell?" Okay, maybe he had a point but it doesn't mean I will let him win. 

"She has been through hell, do you think it was easy for her to leave us? The people who can help her? The people who will save and protect her? Do you think she was able to leave her family which is us after she finally found a safe family?" Wait, what did he mean?

"What do you mean?" He sighed I could tell he was debating whether or not to say it. 

"She, well in the nicest way and easiest way to say this. Is she had a family before becoming a lab-rat. She had a gang, she had a family." that made no sense!

"If she had a family why would they take her?" I asked doubtful. 

"She would have connections, they wouldn't risk that." I added. 

"Obviously, you know nothing about her. None of us do. All we know is what we heard. Her boyfriend was the only one to show her what love was from our understanding. Her parents didn't show it unless it was in bruises." It felt like someone hit me in the stomach when he said that. 

"So what are you saying she was abused?" 

"We heard about it whenever she was knocked on conscious or when she went on the suicide mission-" He cut himself off looking at me as if he didn't mean to say that which angered me. 

"What suicide mission?" I asked him. 

"She knew the government wouldn't expect her to fly and hit a forcefield and after she was their guinea pig and fought them not because she had a choice she decided to die because she wouldn't be freed. She pretty much chose it. She is a good fighter no, scratch that she is an amazing fighter. She can take on 8 girls who have been taught to fight without losing any energy or becoming vulnerable. While she was fighting her gang in a training way we all were watching. She can fight. Not to mention how she broke out several times and became the escape artist." He spoke. 

"She also showed some guy to shove his opinion up his ass or be humiliated by her. She looks defenseless whether that is good or bad but she can surprise you by bringing hell down and upon you. If you think she is giving you hell, she isn't. She could, but instead she is trying to save herself and mourn before making any clouded decisions. You should know better than anyone to fly is to help clear your head and make you think of all of your next steps and what to do. It is like meditation, you learn more." I sighed loudly. 

"The headmaster needs to speak to you." A boy told me. 

I nodded. I headed up the stairs. I walked into his room. "Yes, Headmaster?" I asked. 

"Well, I heard how some things have happened. It isn't your fault she left, she just needs time and space. In the meantime I need you training. I need to know you can give it your all and if you can't I have to side-bench you. I rather bench you than not give you any injuries."

"But sir if I get injured it's not your fault." I nodded.

"I made a promise to your father about keeping you safe. You can train but you are not to go in the field until I clear you." Great. I walked out. 

"Crystal." I hissed with venom in my voice. I walked to my room and sat there what do I do?

I sighed. This girl would be the death of me if she didn't return soon enough. When will she heal? When will her space be filled? When will she come back? When will I see her again? All of these questions I was asking myself and still I had no answer. That guy was right. None of us knew anything about her. Maybe she liked it better that way so no one could get to close because that leads to vulnerability, which explains how come shes afraid of falling in love again she was vulnerable and she is afraid to accept the fact that it may happen again. 


What do you think? When will she come back? Wait till the next chapter to find out how long she is gone for...

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