The Technique

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I walked over towards them. They were all on the ground sweating pools of water. This was going to take more work than I wanted. "Stand up!" I told them. 

The more work I needed to put in them meant the more time and we didn't have time. They all looked at me drowsily. "It's time we eat." I told them walking to the table.

They all joined one by one moaning and groaning and complaining about how their legs are so sore. "What the hell is this?"

"Your suppose to eat one cup of vegetables, half a cup of grains a fourth cup of meat and a cup of fruit. Eat it all now. And the smoothie has yogurt, muscle repair, banana, and spinach. So you basically get two meals in one. We are going to need to eat every two to three hours from now on unless we are sleeping. And sleeping we need eight hours of sleep. No more no less." I told them. I ate up all of my food. And drink when the door opened.

"He'd like to see you."

Oh of course he would. "I'm coming tell him not to fret." Or loose his common sense.

Oh wait... it's already gone. Just like his family, friends, loved ones. I walked over to the door. "Eat and drink up it will help. The soreness will also go down a fair bit as well." Instantly they started drinking and eating.

Wimps. I walked through the door closing it and heading towards the pathway towards a new room. My babysitter opened up the door and I saw him. He looked at me. "Oh my darling. How you should have never lied to me." What was he talking about?

"Your wondering aren't you? You lied that you were on my team. You lied you would help me didn't you."

"I don't know what you mean."

"Funny I know exactly you do know what I mean." He stood up clicking his tongue.

"I knew it was too good to be true."

"But I thought maybe. Just maybe." He chuckled.

"And it seems those maybes are against me." Only because you make them out to be that way.

"Oh really so this is all my fault?" If he could hear what was in my mind the mind reader must be close.

"Your mother sent me to look for you. I came here to rescue you with my friends. Your mother was begging for our help. I had to come. I know how much this place can relate to hell. But trust me on this. We will get you out."

I hoped she got my message. "I'm sorry. I guess I was just testing you." In his face I knew he was confused.

"Now. If you excuse me I'm going to train my team so they can take on anything." I made that little hint for her.

I walked through the door slamming it and walking over to them. I looked at the kid. "They are making her work for him. But she knows we are here to get her our. Which means time is of the essence. Which means we need to prepare ourselves to be ready."

She relayed the message to the rest and I looked at them. I looked at the kid. "How much do you know about science and experiments?"

"A lot! I like exploding things."

"Good and you could figure out how much damage it could do when you make an explosion." I told him.

"Are you good at air combat?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Good. I'll test you with that." I pointed to the second oldest. "Go with him to the laboratory and start watching and seeing what he makes. And how deadly they are." He nodded.

"I want you to come with me and you both are going to do combat." I told the two eldest kids.

"Why are we bringing her?"

"So she can watch and learn."

They nodded. We headed around and I knew we had to practise our asses off within the next twelve hours. Because when an asset stops helping, that means they are useless and when they are useless but withhold important information. They become dead.
I watched them from afar. "Watch."
I flew up and looked at them.

The fans were on full power. "You need to straighten your wings."

"You are having just as much trouble as we are-"

I flew up right in front of it. Any closer and my wing would be caught in the vents. I looked at him. "You were saying?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes and started pushing but he couldn't do it. I glided down to the ground. "He wants to see you again." I nodded as expected.

I walked with him into the room. "My information has changed."

"The only way I can get my team strong enough to rescue you is if you pretend to give out information that doesn't make them suspect us. But it doesn't leave you giving them nothing either so they can't kill you. Trust me."

"We plan on waiting till the kids are older. Well the young ones." I swallowed hard.


"Because they are just kids."

"No. The more the kids train the more it comes natural to them. The more it teaches them and helps them fight back for our country." Country my ass.

Sure we would help it, just not being forced is also a thing too. He just looked at me. "Are you sure?" I nodded.

"Plus as kids they have more energy I believe we can channel it into making them become stronger and better weapons." I hated calling us weapons but I had to fake it.

He nodded smiling. "I knew you were smart." He pat my head.

The worst part is I had to allow it. Every tap I wanted to grab his wrist and twist it and kick him in the back and tear off his arms. But than the whole mission would have been blown. Everything that we have worked so hard for would have been gone forever. I hated how he had power over me and I had to look submissive and I had to pretend I was on his team and I had to pretend I was willing to work for him. I'd rather give up my life protecting one of these idiots than join the army forcefully. But this was not only our countries war. But a war within us and a war that needed to be won by us.

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