Chapter 5

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Isabella's pov


"Where's my money Stan?" Aurora questioned, her hands were still glued within the man's messy hair. He screamed in pain

"I DON'T HAVE IT, AGH" he yelled Aurora released her grip and stepped back.

"Get him up" she ordered, Troye slid a chair over and Chase propped the man into the seat

Aurora pulled a knife from her ankle- wait what? I looked at the strap that was wrapped around her ankle, it held a few more knives and blades

"Have you ever seen this blade Stan?" she questioned, the man mouthed a no, it was barley audible. It felt like the life was draining from him body. Aurora tapped his face so he could pay attention

"A cutler from Italy welded this beauty in 1869. It was created to slice through the thickest skins on animals. It slices through human flesh like butter. Man was scared of what that kind of utensil could do in the wrong hands. It was banned a week after making it's visit to the market. Every one of its kind was melted to iron and used to build prison bars in 1880" Aurora said, she had on the man's lap and brought the blade to his neck, the man stiffened, not daring to even breathe too hard.

"My great, great grandfather created this knife, it was gonna change his life. It was gonna change his family's life. It was the turn around they were all hoping for. Unfortunately in life, there is always someone who loves to bring you down when they don't agree with you" she said

Aurora's eyes pierced through the man's. Tears ran down his cheek, I could tell he was struggling to keep his cool. The salty tears burned the open wounds on his cheek. I cringed when he moved and inch, the stinging pain was too much, the blade sliced his chin and blood started dripping along his neck.

"Aurora please, I have three children, please-"

"You should have thought about that before taking my money Stan" she laughed

"I know all about your children Stanny, how's little Elizabeth doing? Huh? Oh wait.. You wouldn't know. BECAUSE YOU DON'T VISIT THEM" she spat

"You left your wife and kids two years ago for your Secretary, How common of you. Isn't that such a common thing to do guys?" she questioned

"So common" Kade laughed

"Your poor Wife, Debbie. Tsk Tsk, she had to leave her dreams of running and owning her own restaurant so she could get an average paying job to provide for your three kids that you never looked back on" Aurora spat

"Please- I promise to get you the money tomorrow, please" The man pleaded, Aurora stared into his eyes before sighing

"Alright Stan, I'll give you two hours to get my money" Aurora said standing off the man's lap, she motioned for Chase to unravel the ropes

"Two hours? How am I gonna scrape up that much cash in two hours?!" he asked

"That's your problem Stanny" she chuckled. Aurora turned around, her back was facing him. She tucked her blade back into place

"You fucking bitc-" Stan grabbed Chase's gun that was hooked on his belt. He aimed the gun to Aurora's back

Within a second, Aurora spun around and a gun shot was heard. I clasped my hands over my mouth and screamed. The tears ran down my face. I was beyond scared at this point. Aurora tucked her gun back into her jacket where she pulled it from.

"Ugh goddammit Stan, you got your blood all over my new shoes" She groaned before facing me

"Can you believe that? These things cost more than my car" she laughed, my heart was pounding against my chest. Did she really just pull a gun out her jacket and shot that guy in less than a second? How did she even know he was gonna pull that trick? I guess that's why she's the best.

"Now how am I gonna get my money" Aurora rolled her eyes

"If you'd listen to me before, you would have heard me say I've got his account and his phone" Chase said, Aurora smirked and took the phone from him. She bent down to Stan's limped body on the floor that was gushing blood. The sight made me sick but I held back my disgust. I was afraid to show weakness before them

Aurora held the man's thumb to his phone screen, it took a few seconds before the phone chimed.

"And there, 11.6 million has successfully been transferred to your account" Aurora read out loud

"Good work Chase" she added. Chase nodded and glared at Troye

"Why do I always have to clean up your shit" Troye argued walking over to the body

"Because you're my favorite" Aurora giggled and squeezed his cheeks

Aurora noticed I was uneasy and made her way towards me. I watched her head to toe. She was so sweet just a few minutes ago. She took a life of another without a wink yet I didn't feel uneasy in her presence. Our eyes locked

"Chase, go run the car. Nia will stay here with Troye. Kade will join us" she said. Chase and Kade nodded before leaving to go to the car. Aurora's eyes never left mine, she held her hands out, I placed mine in hers and felt a jolt of electricity run through my veins. She pulled me up and lead me down the steps. We pushed through the front door and was met with a white Wraith Rolls Royce. Aurora slipped on some sunglasses and opened the door for me. I raised a brow but didn't protest. I mumbled a 'thank you' before sliding into the seat. Surprisingly she joined me. Kade sat in front while Chase drove us to our destination

"I hope that wasn't too harsh to witness back there" Aurora said, I leaned my head against the window and stared at the open road

"It's okay, he was trying to get your first. I wouldn't blame you" I muttered

"Have you ever held a gun?" she asked, I turned to face her with a questioning look on my face, she smirked and pulled the gun from her jacket.

"You pull back the glock and hold your index over the trigger and that's it" she said before handing me the weapon

I held the heavy metal in my hand.
She really just gave me something that could possibly end her life. Right here, right now.
Should I?
But there's three of them and Kade never misses a shot.
But then again I've never seen it happen.
I pulled back the glock. The gun was ready for a slight touch on its trigger.

"If you want to shoot me, you can try" Aurora muttered, I noticed Chase glanced at us through the rear view mirror before turning back to the road

I stared at her then back to the gun in my hand, in one swift move I held her down and pressed the gun under her chin. Aurora removed her glasses and locked her eyes with mine, she held a wicked smirk on her face. Who is she smirking? I'M LITERALLY HOLDING A GUN TO YOUR NECK. HELLLOOO?

"Why aren't you scared" I questioned, she chuckled, I felt her throat vibrate against the metal

"Because, sweetheart" I didn't even blink, Aurora snatched the gun from my hand and held in under my chin, the metal pressed hand into my neck and her hand gripped my throat.

I groaned in pain but it was also causing a heat to rise from the pit of my stomach. My lips tremble when Aurora's eyes stared at them before returning to my eyes. They were filled with lust. I swallowed a lump in my throat. I wanted to kiss her so bad, I even found myself purposely leaning a bit closer. Fuck being straight, this was a feeling I couldn't hide. Aurora pulled a switch from the gun and the the barrel fell out.

"The safety was on" They all laughed. Dammit I forgot the safety. I rolled my eyes and Aurora settled back into her seat. I found her glancing at me from time to time.

Did she want to kiss me back there?

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