Chapter 11

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Isabella pov


"Kiss me" I whispered, my hot breath lingered over her lips. I felt the tip of her bottom lip brush over mine, it sent an electric wave through my veins. I closed my eyes, feeling the intensity of the moment.

I felt the burning stare of her eyes on me, our lips slightly touched. The tension between us was intoxicating.

"Aurora, we gotta be on the road!" Someone shouted from the door, oh for fuck sakes

"I'm coming!" she shouted, my eyes flung open to see Aurora smirking at me

"You're really cute when you're desperate"

"Don't you dare" I hissed, Aurora chuckled and stood to her feet. She took a few glances around

"I really do believe the devil once entered this church" she said

"Do you really think the devil could enter a holy church?" I questioned

"Sometimes the most evil people disguise themselves as a friend" she said. I felt my heart drop. It's such a true statement.

I couldn't help to think about my parents, they were my only friends. They were the people that were supposed to love me unconditionally, they were the people that I shared the same damn blood with. Only to find out they only wanted me for what's behind my name and not theirs.

"Let's go, we have a journey to be on" she said, I nodded and stood on my feet.

I turned out from the seat and started to walk down the isle towards the door

I can't believe I almost kissed Aurora, What the heck was I thinking? She's a hitman, a gangster. She murdered people!

"Hey, Isabel" she called out

"Mhm?" I turned on my heels and was immediately met with Aurora's lips on mine.

My eyes grew wide as her soft plump lips brush against mine. My heart started to flutter and my eyes closed. The feeling over her soft lips on mine caused sparks to egnite within me. Her hands cupped my face and brought me closer. Butterflies swarmed my stomach with every movement. Her tongue brushed against my bottom lip, begging for entrance which I granted. I groaned into her mouth when our tongues moved against each other. I've never felt so on fire, I felt my knees starting to go weak. A whimper escaped my lips when her teeth sunk into my bottom lips and she slowly dragged it forward, I trembled under her touch. Waves of heat spreaded through my body.

I felt cold and empty when she pulled away, leaving me with my chest heaving and swollen lips. A smirk plastered over her face, she leaned in once again and pecked my lips, my eyes closed once again, feeling her soft lips on mine

"Come on. Let's go, what are you waiting for?" she smirked, her thumb brushed against my lips, wiping them before she walked away

I stood there in the middle of the passageway, dumbfounded by what just happened. 

I've never kissed anyone before, much less a girl. No, much less a woman. And it felt amazing. I can't lie in church, it was the best feeling I've ever experienced in my eighteen years of living. Aurora stole my first kiss and I couldn't be happier.


"I'm coming!" I groaned and walked towards the door.

Aurora stood on the lawn of the church and smirked at me. I couldn't see her eyes through the dark sunglasses she had on

"Needed time to cool off?" she smirked

"Oh get ahold of yourself, I felt nothing" I lied. Although I couldn't see her eyes, I noticed she furrowed her brows. Her head tilted to one side as she watched me

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