Chapter 66: Breaking Out

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[East Roadside]

At the certain roadside between two small cliffs lay a dense forest at either side

The caravan which contains two prisoners from the empire are now being transported to someplace gods knows where

At the cold of the night the soldiers who are in charge of safeguarding the prisoners to the pointed location are all a bit drowsy

"Hey captain! Do we really have to transport these scoundrels in the middle of the night?... I'm so sleepy" said the soldier

"Well of course! So that we can finish this task quickly... I purposely chose this time to transport these scumbags" replied the Captain

"Oh well... When I arrive back home I'll have a taste of my wife's cooking and play with my daughter" said the soldier as he yawns

"Right! You have a daughter... I'm envious! She's around eight right? Well anyway you have a wonderful family" praised the captain

"I know right! My daughter is the cutest apart from her mother" stated the soldier

As they talked both the captain and the soldier beside him begun to laugh

The caravan was guarded quite strictly, with more than forty soldiers guarding it to prevent any bandits from attacking

All of them are well trained soldier in which no kingdom soldier could compare


Inside the cage of the caravan lay both a woman in ragged clothes and a man who's only pants were left intact, both of them were shackled from their wrist and their foot... They also have a locks in their necks which is connected to the chains that is stuck on the ground

As the wind blew over them the woman glanced from behind of her disheveled long scarlet hair as she noticed a feeling which doesn't feel right

As for the man who has long grey messy hair and messy bangs covering his face, he clearly noticed some pressure from somewhere along the way and that is the reason why he is currently grinning

For high class warriors who has been already in the battlefield it is only natural that both of them noticed the weird pressure along their way

[5km away from the caravan]

Inside the dense forest and beneath the shadows, multiple figures arose from it as they watched the approaching caravan from afar

"Boss is here!" Announced one of the cloaked person

When all of them heard the announcement, they turned their attention behind them as Kaido who wore a cloak, scarf and a black attire and Melfina who is wearing a cloak, a mask and her usual clothes came out from behind them

When Kaido landed his gaze on them, goosebumps arose from the surrounding people

When Kaido observed them he noticed that there are only ten of them there and including both him and Melfina, they were twelve person all in all

This group consist of different class warriors such as mage, assassin's, swordsmen

"Get ready! They are coming"

When Kaido said this all attention landed upon the caravan, as time passed by the caravan slowly moved under them

"Kill all of them! Leave none alive except for those two prisoners" said Kaido

When they received his order all of them became excited as they jumped down from above to attack the caravan

[Below Kaido's group]

"Move along! Hurry up!" Shouted the captain as he urged the soldiers

As he said those words shadow figures landed from above and started to kill the soldiers

"Ambush! Counter attack!"

When the captain said those words all of the soldiers took out their weapons as the attack the cloaked figures who ambushed them

And with that a battle broke out all g the roadside

As the fight broke out Melfina dashed past some soldiers as she left them with their throats sliced open


"Get her!" Shouted the soldier

As the soldier shouted that, Melfina picks up a dead soldier's body and kick it at the approaching enemy and because of this the soldiers who caught the body stumbled back

With this kind of opening Melfina stepped along the small cliffs wall as she pounced the soldier and stabbing him followed by her pulling another dagger out and throwing it at the eye of another soldier

After that she pulled out her two daggers and clashed at the remaining soldiers with her agile and flexibility

I'm just a few short moments the forty soldiers was minced down by half by only ten enemy and the latter never even loss a single one of its unit

Because of this he was filled with fear, anger and confusion

"Why? Why is this happening? We greatly outnumbered you!!!" Stated the captain as he stares at the approaching Melfina who's cloak was covered in blood

"Numbers are useless in front of overwhelming strength" stated Melfina

After that Melfina charged up to the Captain as she attacked him and of course the captain tried to retaliate by swinging his sword but the former quickly dodged the attack by stepping sideways and finishing it off by cutting it's throat

When the happened blood spurted out as the captain fell in their floor dead with his eyes wide open in shock from the event

When the captain died the soldiers Morales decrease rapidly as they tried to escape but the cloaked figures didn't lat them escape as they killed all the soldiers

As Kaido walked along the bloody scene he noticed a soldier crawling desperately across the ground

"Please! I don't want to die! I want to see my family! My daughter! I want to see her grew up!" Said the soldier

This was the same soldier who was talking to the Captain moments ago

Upon seeing this Kaido controlled the plate armor of the soldier as he slowly crushed it using psychic pressure

Due to this the chest of the soldier was thoroughly crushed as he died in regret unto the ground

After that Kaido walked straight to the cage staring at the prisoners within

During this time all soldiers were killed and the group now surrounds Kaido waiting for his order

When Kaido opened the cage he also destroyed the chains and shackles that are restricting both the man and the woman

After that the man slowly walked out of the cage as he looks at the claimed figures before him

"I finally met you Jack the reaper and Anna the sorceress" stated Kaido blankly

Name: Jack

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Title: Reaper, ex - adventurer, killer

Job: None

Skills: [multiple Sycth skills]

Blessing: Blessing of Battle prowess

Name: Anna

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Title: Sorceress, ex - scholar

Skills: intermediate spells, high grade spells

Blessings: Blessing of alchemy


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