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"sam! sam," ashley yells, marching up to him where he's sat under the canopy outside. "come here. we need to talk to you."

he looks up from his phone, a scowl prominent on his face. "what the fuck do you want?"

"wait," i say quickly. "mike, come over here too."

our manager approaches, looking confused. "what's going on?"

"we found this in sam's bunk," says ash grimly, holding out what we found under his pillow;

a clear plastic baggie containing uncomfortably familiar white powder.

sam's eyes widen then narrow, and i can see a thousand different thoughts running through his head.

"did you go through my bunk?" he asks, his voice shaking.

shay, always the peacekeeper, steps forwards. "come on, we had to. you've been acting so strangely lately and we're worried about you, but whenever we try to talk to you you shut us down. now it all makes sense though." he glares at the baggie.

"sam. we care about you and we're here for you but we can't keep going like this," i say. "you know this shit isn't good for you and it's affecting all the people around you. we need to stage an intervention."

he steps forwards slowly, until his nose is almost touching mine. this has never happened before; i shift uncertainly.

then, out of nowhere, there's a blinding pain in one of my arms and i realise he's twisted it behind my back.

"what the fuck," i yell, bringing my knee up harshly against his crotch. he hisses through his teeth and collapses to his knees.

"i hate you. i fucking hate every single one of you," he says lowly. i stare at him in complete shock, unsure what to say or feel. "you all- disgust me. i can't stand you. any of you. in fact- you know what? i'm done."

"done...?" says ashley lowly. i can feel the uncertainty radiating off of everyone in waves; no one has ever seen sam like this before, not even when he was on the powder the first time.

everyone around us has stopped to watch this concerning scene unfold; billie, finneas, mike, the hair and makeup team, all unsure whether they should step in or not.

"i'm done with the band," he says, getting back to his feet. "i'm done with the vision. i'm going to pack my stuff, go to an airport and go home and i'm not coming back."

i stare at him in shock.

"come on bud, that's kinda extreme," tries tyler. "shouldn't we really talk about th-"

"i'm fucking done dude. with all of you," sam growls.

"sam-" says mike weakly.

sam shakes his head and stomps off into the tour bus, pushing billie and finneas as he passes them. less than a minute later he reappears with all of his belongings packed untidily into his bags.

"goodbye and good fucking riddance," he calls, walking out from under the outside canopy and away down the street.

i turn to tyler, and realise that tears have started to pour down my cheeks. he just wraps his arms around me tightly and we stay like that. after a few moments we're joined by shay and ash and the four of us cry quietly while the rest of the tour bus inhabitants watch on awkwardly.

we're crying because this could be the end for the vision.



accompanied | billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now