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"hey ty," i call, and he looks over from the guitar he's replacing all the strings on. "come look at this."

"hm?" he sets down the guitar and walls over. "what's up?"

i pass him one of the letters i just brought in from the mailbox, with both of our names on it. he scans over it, blinking.
"high five," he grins, and the two of us dance around the kitchen in our pyjamas together.

"what's going on?" billie asks, walking out from the hallway with fluffy, freshly dried hair hanging past her shoulders.

"we've been nominated for the grammys next month," tyler announces, holding the letter high. it slips out of his hand and instantly pablo rushes over to it, beginning to eat it.

"wait- no," he yells, snatching it up from the dog.

"what've you been nominated for?" she asks, wrapping her arms around me in congratulation.

"uhhh..." tyler checks the letter again. "house of nightmares!" he says proudly, referring to our most recent studio album that we dropped shortly before we began on tour.

"i wish we could've been nominated for something else," i sigh. when tyler looks at me in confusion, i elaborate; "i feel like we could've done it better. i kinda let sam do what he wanted cause he was really pushy during the production, but i don't vibe with some of it. i... i wish ugly was on it, at least."

tyler nods and thinks for a moment. "i had no idea you felt that way," he says slowly. "but, great news, sam isn't around anymore so we can do whatever the fuck we want. how about pulling a paloma faith and re-releasing the album? picture this..." he rests an arm on my shoulder, gesturing wildly with the other. "house of nightmares: part ii."

i shrug. "fuck it, let's go."

"i'll get ash and shay," he yells, skittering over to the front door. i hear him racing down the hall outside, to ash and shay's door.

"you and finn need to be involved," i tell billie excitedly.

she nods. "i'll call him."

i hum and dance over to the door as ashley, shay and tyler head back in, and i smile, because we're making music again, and that makes me happier than anything.


hello i decided i hated the other version of chapter 32 so here is the new one

accompanied | billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now