Welcome To The Killing Game

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"Hello? You awake there? Yooohooooo?" A girl with black, blue and pink hair excitedly shouted into my face, followed by more voices. 

"She's awake, finally!"

"Wow, I thought she'd never wake up! She was totally knocked out..."

"O-oh! I-is sh-she injured th-then? I-I'll take h-her to th-the infirmary i-if need b-be!"

"Shut up you ugly cow! She's fine, can't you see you dum dum?!"

"I like her cape!"

I rose to my feet and looked around me, giving a twirl before introducing myself. I felt slightly dizzy but ignored it.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, my name is Y/N L/N and I'm known as the Ultimate Illusionist!" I bowed before standing up and pulling an umbrella out of seemingly nowhere."I must ask however, why are we all gathered on this island? The last I remember I was on a cruise ship to the Atua Isles..." Everyone looked around nervously and whispered amongst themselves.

Suddenly, a half black half white bear with a sinister expression appeared. "Hold up! Who's she?! Don't tell me you've gotten yourselves a captive!" Everyone shook their heads no. "Of course not, nyahaha! I wiped this girls memory after she ended up stranded here. Looks like a cruise ship got of course! Anyways, since she just happens to be an Ultimate, I'd say she should join the killing game with all of you! I mean, you must be feeling lonely now that two of your classmates are dead!" 

The beach was filled with an uncomfortable silence. I dropped my umbrella in shock. "Eep?! Seriously?! A killing game?! Th-this is some awful reality TV show... R-right?! Oh please tell me this isn't real!" The bear only laughed. "Geez! For a magician you sure are a scaredy cat! You must find the thought of a killing game unBEARable! Get it? Cuz I'm a BEAR?! AHAHAHAHA! Anyways I'm Monokuma, your new teacher since Monomi over there is being a coward and doesn't wanna fight me again after I beat her ass up." My face paled and I clutched the sides of it with my hands. "No way..." 

"Yep way! In this killing game, or killing field trip I should say, you need to kill to escape! A murder has already happened, so your just in time for the game and the tension! You did miss the class trial, but I'm sure you'll get to witness another... Unless someone kills you first! Nyahaha! I'm Monokuma by the way! Here's your Monopad, I'm sure someone can help you find the way around. Any takers!" An awkward silence filled the group of students.

A pink haired guy in a bright lime outfit ran off, followed by a girl with yellow pigtails in a kimono and a red head with a short cut and a camera following the other girl frantically. Next, a guy who looked like he was somewhere between being baby or a gang leader tch'ed and walked off, saying he didn't have the time for this. He gestured for a girl with silver hair in braids to follow him, and they walked away. Noticing a trend, a girl dressed like a nurse began to slink away guiltily, followed by a normal looking guy with sharp hair. A guy dressed like the Ultimate Edgelord walked away as well, followed by a girl who looked to be either wealthy or pretentious. Or both. A busty girl and a man who looked nothing like a high schooler walked away to do some training, as they said. Next, a guy with white hair chuckled before leaving. This left me, Monokuma, and the girl with black, pink, and blue hair. Monokuma chuckled. "Wow! What despair! They sure hate you huh?"

The girl nervously giggled and stuck out her hand. "Well, looks like Ibuki is the only one left! Oh well, Ibuki is happy to show you around. I'm Ibuki Mioda, the Ultimate Musician. Ibuki likes your cape, it's very pretty!" I smiled politely at her before shaking her hand. "Pleasure to meet you Mioda, though I'm awfully sorry you're stuck with me... I mean, you all must be suspicious huh? A girl just randomly shows up in the middle of a killing game..." Ibuki frantically shook her head. "Oh no, Ibuki assures you it's fine. You seem nice to Ibuki! Anyways, call me by Ibuki please." I nodded. "Ah, Alright Ibuki. Anyways, let's begin? I want to be able to rest a bit and process all of what just happened..." Ibuki nodded and began to lead me away. 


I lay down on my bed and thought of the situation I found myself in. I put my umbrella away somewhere, after all a true magician never reveals their secrets! Even though I am only an illusionist... Back to the killing game. It seemed so bizarre... I decided that taking a nap to clear my head and then going for a walk would be the best course of action.

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