Long Walks Along The Beach

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Gundham POV

As me and L/N were walking we talked about the Dark Devas, humanity being hopeless, magic, and animals. For a while I forgot that I was in a killing game orchestrated by that disgusting bear and just relaxed. I'd barely payed attention to the time but it was soon late in the afternoon. Checking my Monopad, I noticed it was 7:34 PM. "L/N, it seems that it's about time for dinner." She checked her own Monopad and her eyes widened at the time. "Oh! It seems time really got away from us huh? I'm sorry, I'm quite bad at keeping track of the time and talking to you is so interesting! I'm surprised we have so much in common you know?" She smiled at me happily before giggling to herself.

I pulled my scarf up as discretely as I could to cover my blush, hoping she didn't notice. I'm the Dark Lord, I shouldn't be flustered by some mortal girl saying we have so much in common and smiling! Although, then again... She did believe in magic and seemed to practice it as well, in her own way. Then also, coupled with the fact she washed up on the shore with barely at memories of her life before but wasn't meant to be a part of the killing game according to Monokuma... Could she be an Angel? I'd have to think about it later, as my stomach wasn't telling me I needed to eat. It made sense since I'd skipped lunch, but I didn't regret missing it to spend time with L/N.


We walked back to the food court in silence, as Tanaka seemed to be deep in thought. I didn't mind though, and kept to myself. When we entered through the doors I waved goodbye and went to sit at my usual table with Ibuki and Souda. "Ibuki says hi! Ibuki wonders where you've been?" Souda waved hi and continued eating. "I'll grab my food and be right back, okay Ibuki?" And I did as I said, quickly filling my tray and heading back. "So, what were you doing all day?" Souda asked. "Surprisingly, I spent the whole day talking with Tanaka. We may not be super close, but we have a lot in common." They seemed surprised and we ate in silence for a bit.

"I'm not too surprised, honestly. You're both... Quite... How do I say this? Eccentric..." Souda said politely. "Excuse you, Souda." I said jokingly, Ibuki laughing along while Souda awkwardly touched the back of his neck. "You can just call me Kazuichi L/N. I don't think you're a traitor or anything, so I trust you." I smiled. "Thank you, Kazuichi. Then you may call me Y/N." Ibuki smiled as well. "Ibuki is so glad we're all getting along! No matter how weird the three of us are!" Kazuichi paused. "What do you mean? You two are the weird ones here!" Ibuki giggled. "Miss Sonia is so pretty, Miss Sonia is soooo kind, Miss Sonia~ oh I loooove you!" She said doing a bad impression of Kazuichi. Ibuki laughed hysterically as Kazuichi blushed bright pink and stuttered excuses.

"Wait a moment, who's Miss Sonia?" I asked in a slightly confused tone. "Miss Sonia is what Kazuichi calls Sonia Nevermind, the Ultimate Princess!" I giggled. "Someone's got a crush~" me and Ibuki shimmied our eyebrows at Kazuichi. "G-guys! You're so embarrassing..." He covered his face with his hands. Eventually we calmed down. Once we finished eating and put away our plates, I suddenly had an idea. "Kazuichi! How about giving her a rose?" He shrugged at me sadly. "I couldn't find any..." I winked at him before twirling. "That's why I'm the best wingman! Or wingwoman." I gave him a beautiful red rose. "Seriously?! How?" I laughed and smirked smugly. "A true magician never reveals their secrets. Now, go get her tiger!" Ibuku giggled and gave him a pat on the back. He went off to give Sonia Nevermind the rose.

"Hey Y/N? Ibuki is going to hang out with Hiyoko and Mahiru. Those are the girls with the kimono and the camera!" She showed me who they were. "Oh, alright. Have fun Ibuki!" She ran off towards them. I sighed sadly, alone yet again. I tried blocking out the thoughts about how much easier it would be for someone to kill me now than when I was with Kazuich and Ibuki or Tanaka. 

I walked outside, checking my Monopad. It was 8:17, so I only had about two hours until night time, when I would really be at risk of getting killed. I was so focused on my Monopad I didn't even notice anyone standing beside me until a dark shadow covered me and my Monopad. "Eep! Please don't kill me!" I couldn't see who it was and covered my face with my hands. "L/N? Are you alright?" Though he still sounded intimidating, there seemed to be genuine concern in Tanaka's voice. Oh! Tanaka!

"Oh, thank god it's you, Tanaka. I was worried there for a moment. I clasped my hands together in front of my chest and smiled at him. "What do you mean you're glad it's me? Don't I, the Dark Lord strike fear inside your soul?" I paused a bit before replying. "You do sometimes, but I don't think you'd kill me so I'm not as afraid of you as I am many of the other people here..." He hesitated for a moment before replying. "Well, alright then." He began to walk towards the beach and I followed, not really knowing what else I should do. He suddenly turned to me. "This may seem strange... But are you quite sure you're a mortal? You're mysterious appearance and abilities... Perhaps you're an angel meant to save us." 

I thought about this for a while before replying. "Well, I'm not sure that I'm an angel, but I do want to help everyone escape. I don't want anyone to die like those two did..." I trailed off, remembering what Ibuki had told me about Teruteru and Togami. "You must be thinking about the killing game a lot." I flinched, how had he known? "W-well yes... I'm really scared. I'm sorry if I'm always bothering you Tanaka, but I just... I'm scared to be alone when literally anyone could kill me here..." We stood in silence for a bit, watching the sun which was now setting beautifully, although my terror remained.

"Don't worry too much L/N, if anything just come to me. I am the all powerful Dark Lord after all! Nothing can defeat me!" I giggled softly and smiled, feeling genuinely happy. "I'm so happy to hear you say that... You don't know how much it means to me, but it means a lot I can assure you! And you can call me Y/N. We are friends, right?" He pulled his scarf up, probably due to it being rather cold. Jeez! Islands change temperature so quickly. "In that case Y/N, you can call me Gundham. B-but don't take this lightly! This is an honour I only extend to those worthy!" I laughed softly. "I'm so happy I'm worthy then, Gundham." We stood there at the beach for a while before I started to shiver.

"Gundham, I'm going back to my cabin now as I'm getting rather cold, see you tomorrow?" He nodded but stayed there, staring off into the distance. I rushed back to my cabin and quickly fell asleep after I locked the door, not even bothering changing as I was so tired from the long day.

Gundham Tanaka x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora