Not For The Faint Of Heart

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I awoke with a start at the sound of Monokuma's voice. It was a body discovery announcement. Oh no. Oh nonononono. I looked over at Gundham with fear in my eyes, him seeming more confident than me but rather disturbed. We ran to where we assumed most people would be, the food court. We saw Saionji there, bawling her eyes out. 

"Somebody k-killed Mahiru!!" She continued to sob loudly. Soon enough, Hinata showed us to the place where the body was found so we could begin the investigation.

Looking at Koizumi's dead body, so lifeless and well... Dead, I felt my knees shake. There was so much blood... 

And then I fainted.


I awoke to everyone being outside again, but this time the ground was shaking. Gundham was holding me up, but I was too distracted by the memories of Koizumi's body... "Are you alright Y/N?" Gundham whispered to me. I nodded slowly, although I was quite sure I wasn't. I didn't want him to worry.

After we got into the 'court room' and Monokuma explained the rules, the class trial began. I was tuning out most of what was said, as I thought about Koizumi and Saionji. How did Saionji feel? To lose her best friend like that... I couldn't even imagine what would happen ignore I lost Gundham.

Everyone was arguing about alibi's and whatnot, but Hinata seemed extremely suspicious of Pekoyama. I didn't know Pekoyama very well, but I hoped for Kuzuryuu's sake she wasn't the culprit. Although... She was a highly skilled swordswoman, and she didn't seem to display much empathy... No! Don't think like that Y/N! 


In the end, Peko Pekoyama was found guilty. I couldn't remember why, but it was her... She was in fact, the culprit. Pekoyama and Kuzuryuu seemed to have a moment of realization, as they exchanged their final words... Then the execution began.

Monokuma held a marionette that seemed to represent Pekoyama, who was now standing holding her sword. She was surrounded by enemies, but she continued to slash away at them, barely breaking a sweat. Kuzuryuu had somehow gotten in, and approached Pekoyama. He tried to reach out to her, but she slashed his eye as Monokuma instructed her to. Realizing what she'd done, she ran over to him, cradling Kuzuryuu in her arms, not even noticing the enemy approaching her from behind. Then- death. The execution was finished. Pekoyama was dead.

I passed out yet again. 


I awoke in my cabin, I'm assuming I was brought here after fainting. Despite now being conscious, I continued lying down, unmoving. My mind drifted back to the trial... Poor Kuzuryuu, poor Saionji. One dealing with the murder of their best friend, the other dealing with the murder of their life long friend and secret crush. What would happen to me if Gundham died...? Sure I had Ibuki and Kazuichi, but it wasn't the same as with Gundham. I loved Gundham. Wait, I loved Gundham? Suddenly, I realized. I needed to tell him, none of us were safe after all. It would only be a matter ignorance time before... 

I need to find Gundham.

I began my search around Jabberwock island, going to every possible place I could think of. It was now 8:00 PM, and the sun was almost done setting, creating a scene of pink, purple, and blue across the sky. I ended up back where I'd started, the cabins. I would have given up if not for the figure I saw in the distance, staring at the sunset in the beach. I saw the unmistakable shape of Gundham's scarf and ran towards him.

"Ah, hello Y/N. Are you here to watch the sunset as well?" I shook my head no and blushed, but knew I had to tell him. "I-I was actually looking for you..." I paused and took a deep breath before continuing. "I just, I didn't really realize my feeling towards you until this trial. I just... Either of us could die here, and I don't want to risk dying without first telling you how I feel..." Gundham looked surprised and didn't speak. 

"I love you..." I blushed and looked away, knowing that he may not feel the same despite me believing he did. Instead of responding, he gave me a kiss, and that was the only answer I needed.

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