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~All things are possible. Who you are is limited by who you think you are.~ Egyptian quote.

In the days that followed, Aria barely got a glimpse of the Prince. He was still in the Palace but she had a feeling that he preferred being in his private chambers.

Once every day, he went around the Palace observing the day-to-day activities of the people, both servants and royal and he'd retreat back to his chambers-which was huge.

The mystery lake-as Aria had come to learn-was an extension of it.

Two weeks had passed easily without so much as a glimpse of him.

The days had seemed to pass fleetingly.

She had to see him, she wanted to see him.

Although, in the past weeks, the feeling of being watched never went away. It made her fidgety in a way and each time she would convince herself it was all in her head.

After serving Pharaoh his afternoon medicine, she went purposefully to the lake-his lake.

She already knew the way so it didn't take her much time.

Soon, she was there.

She did something she'd never done before. She called out to him.

"Hello?" She said in a loud voice. There was no response.

She walked deeper into the cave and paused when she was right by the lake.

Aria's eyes widened.

She'd never seen a lake that clear. She knelt by it and stared at her reflection.

Her eyes were painted as usual. Her short, black hair framed her small face.

She didn't think she looked beautiful or attractive.

She sighed and looked around. A few rays of light penetrated through.

She looked back down at the lake.

Something in it called to her.

She reached down to touch it.

Immediately, she was pulled down by an invisible force. Her entire body fell into the lake, eyes wide.

Her panicked scream died in her throat and everything went black.


Minutes later, Aria found herself on a bed.

She was confused.

She sat up slowly feeling a little drowsy.

'Where was she?'

She looked around, it was unfamiliar.

It was like a shrine or temple?

It was large.

She stood, her feet wobbly. She didn't know how she got there, but she had to get out.

"You can't resist the darkness." A voice spoke.

Her eyes widened.

She knew the owner of that voice.

"Prince Akhenaten." Right before her eyes, he appeared.

He was wearing a half-pleated kilt wound around his body with a pleated section drawn to the front.

He had bracelets on his wrists and ankles, with armlets on his arm. His face was bare of any eye painting though, he looked younger.

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