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                "You were right about the coffee, its' real good." Jacob unlocked his car and we got in. "Do you think the meat's fine? I literally lost track of time and I forgot we bought meat and frozen items."

"All's good, I have an ice box back there."

"Why would you have one back there?"

"Sometimes I carry fresh brain organs at the back of my trunk."

I gagged, covering my mouth involuntarily, my mouth was filled with air. "I was just kidding." Jacob chuckled as he sped out of the parking lot. "Please don't do that again or I might actually throw up on your expensive carpets."

"I'm sorry." He was still chuckling as he drove past the green traffic lights and took a turn. "Have you got all these roads memorized already?"

"I'm a brain surgeon, I'm supposed to memorize things as long as I can, if not, forever even. I'm assuming you've got the American laws all memorized up here too?" he pointed to his own temple.

"Pretty much." I shrugged, "but for now, it's all dance moves and how to not let a baby sit on a couch unsupervised."

"There's always a first time for everything. Once, I remember grabbing a frozen brain and throwing up right after and on my colleague during my first year as resident. It was horrible."

"I would have thrown up too." I laughed. "Say, did you have to stay the night with a dead body in the morgue or something? During your residency?" I asked out of curiosity. "Whatever for, Rosie?" Jacob asking, briefly looking at me then back to the roads.

"Isn't some sort of way to build up your courage or something? Like you know, so you won't go running out of the operation theatre screaming your head off when you open up a person?"

"No we don't!" he made a face. "Who even told you that?" he suppressed a laughter.

"It's a myth then?"

"I'm guessing you heard some old wife's tale then?"

"I guess so too."

We arrived at the parking lot not more than 10 minutes later. Watching Jacob help with the groceries made me realized that this was the first time I didn't need to go two rounds up and down the elevators just for groceries. He held the ice box in one hand and some bags in the other as he pressed the button for the trunk to shut itself.

I hoisted the bags in both hands higher as I punched the buttons of the elevator at the main foyer. "Good afternoon Miss Sterling, ah this is the man who I assume is your new house mate, Mr. Dankoff."

Nate was in his sixties and he was the nicest security guy ever in this building I knew he had a wife and two kids who were still in their teens, also he loves cream puffs so I'd get him some every now and then.

"Hello Nate, Jacob, this is Mr. Nathaniel but we all call him Nate, he's the head security for this building."

"I know, he threatened to whoop my ass if I tried to rob your house last night."

"Security protocol Miss Sterling." Nate chuckled as he patted Jacob on his back with his firm and slightly wrinkled hands. "How's the wife Nate?" I asked.

"She's all good, she thanks you for the lovely pair of flats you gave her, so she baked you some muffins, let me get them for you."

Kicking off our shoes and closing the door behind us, we placed our groceries on the counter, sorting them out. The first thing Jacob did was placing all the meat in the freezer along with the other frozen items we bought. It was a long time habit of mine to sort out my groceries right after I get home since I love myself a clean kitchen counter.

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