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                "You alright there?" Jacob asked. I felt the car come to a halt and the engine died down. I nodded and leaned my head against the head rest. My head was heavy and I was definitely clocked out for the night. "We're home." He said, unbuckling his seat belt. I hummed in reply as my hands reached for the car door handle blindly. "Wait here.." I heard Jacob say and the sound of a car door opened and closed. "Where did he go?" I mumbled to myself as I leaned towards the dashboard, my back slouching as I hiccupped. When was the last time I was this hammered? Two nights ago? Three?

"Rosie, here." I heard him say, humid air hit my face as I looked up at him, my head felt so heavy it just tilted backward. Jacob held in his laugh as he offered a hand to me. No no no, I can't be like this in front of man I just met. God, what is wrong with me? I was better than that. Pull yourself together Rosie!

"I'm fine, I can walk." I waved his hand away, pouting and he stepped back a little, allowing me to get out. I took one two steps forward real quick and I stopped, my arms in the air which made me seem like I was flying. "Ohh, there's a curb right here." I said loudly, pointing to it.

"You sure you're not drunk?" Jacob asked, closing the car door behind him. I whipped my head and body around so fast in attempt to shoot back a snarky remark but I felt my heel hit the curb and I lost my balance. How he had caught me in time, was beyond me. "That's it, get on my back." He said. I shook my head stubbornly. "I barely even know you, and I don't think it's appropriate."

"Rosie, you won't even make it back to the loft in this state, if I leave you be, you might be going up and down the elevators without even stopping."

I thought for a bit, squinting at him. I was aware that he still had his arm supporting my lower back and my hand pulling on the fabric of his jacket. "O..okay." I nodded slowly, "ow my neck hurts." I whined.

"Come on." He said and did a half squat, low enough for me to climb on. As soon as I did, he put two hands under my thighs and hoisted me further up his back. "Tell me why, ain't nothing but a heartache.." I drawled as I rested my chin on his shoulder. "Rosie, we're in.." Jacob began but I didn't let him finish.

"Tell me why," I continued my drunken slurring and tapped on Jacob's chest. "Your turn." I whispered as if I was afraid someone else might hear us. He sighed in defeat. "Ain't nothing but a mistake." He sang and I covered my mouth, laughing. "Heehee."

"Tell me why.." I went a pitch lower and nudged him again with my arms. "I never want to hear you say.." He finished, shaking his head after. "I want it that way." We finished together. "Encore." I announced, jolting him in surprise and he chuckled, "No more encore." He said.

"Finally, I'm not singing the second part of the song alone." I muttered as we got into the elevators. "Hm, what do you mean?" he asked as the metal doors closed.

"I always wished I had a duet partner, but I was mostly always on my own so.." I shifted my chin and laid my cheek on his shoulder. "And what makes you think I'll be doing a duet with you?" he asked.

"Well, you just did."

"That will be my first and last, I can't sing."

"But you sounded like nightingale."

"Don't exaggerate now."

Jacob unlocked the door and closed it behind him after. He piggy backed me all the way into my room in silence. I think I was already fast asleep in a matter of seconds because I hadn't realize when he tucked me in and left my room.

I woke up on a Sunday morning with a pounding headache and a familiar sensation in my stomach. It growled when the smell coffee beans and something greasy wafted into my room. If I was still staying alone, I would have (no doubt), waltzed out of my room and into the kitchen half dressed. But now that I was living with someone...

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