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His fingers are itching to touch the ball one more time. But if he runs to the gym now, Iwaizumi's going to have it out for him later.

He makes his way to the band room instead, where Iwaizumi told him he'd find her. He hasn't seen her in two days except for when they had classes together, so he never got a chance to properly talk or hang out with her.

Oikawa misses her.

Iwaizumi had told them that morning when they were at their lockers, getting their belongings out after the morning practice. Despite not having any tournament to participate in, their coach still kept up with their regular schedule for practices, making sure they didn't lose their touch with the sport.

"I don't know if she told you or not," Iwaizumi says as he arranges the books in his locker. Oikawa looks at him from the side as he pulls out his notebooks, before shoving in kneepads deep inside. "Who told me what?"

"Mitsuha." Iwaizumi's voice is calm. But Oikawa can see happiness in his warm, brown eyes. "Iwa-chan, you're happy?" Oikawa teases, looking surprised. The happiness is gone from Iwaizumi's eyes for a fleeting second as he glares at his best friend, who smiles cheekily in response.

"Whatever, Shittykawa. You haven't spoken to her?"

Oikawa looks at him blankly. "I mean I text her, but her phone's always off," Oikawa replies, closing his locker door and shoving a hand into his blazer pocket. "Plus it's not like she's always available these days, after Yuki told her that the cultural festival was being pushed back early. She's always practicing and staying late. If you ask me," Oikawa continues, as they both begin to walk to class together, "she's worse than me." He shrugs his shoulders.

"She is way better at taking care of herself than you are, idiot," Iwaizumi shoots, giving him a side-eye. "At least she knows what time to come home."

"Don't make me sound like some unbehaved dog!"

"At least you're aware."

"You're so incredibly mean, sometimes I wonder if the nice act you put up for Mittsun is a facade for you really are: an evil villain," Oikawa says, dodging Iwaizumi's incoming punch, "See?" he exclaims, pointing at him accusingly. "Physical harm! All the time!"

"Because words don't get through that thick skull of yours," Iwaizumi replies, a cold smile on his face. "Maybe if you were actually sensible I wouldn't have to punch you all the time."

They bicker like this, with Oikawa swatting away Iwaizumi's hand like a cat batting away a toy. Matsukawa and Hanamaki see them at the end of the corridor, and Makki's hands are at his hips, watching the two of them squabble like kids in the playground. "Oi, you two done?" he calls out, as he and Mattsun walk up to them. Oikawa scowls at Iwaizumi as the latter scowls back, and soon an all-out staring contest is happening.

"You're both actually five," Mattsun comments, before hitting Oikawa on the head. He blinks and Iwaizumi chuckles in glee.

"I just wanna know, why me?" Oikawa whines, as Makki ruffles his hair.

Iwaizumi ignores his question with a smile, continuing on with what he was saying before. "Mitsuha got into that conservatory in Vienna, where she's been wanting to go for a long time." Makki and Mattsun are staring at him in shock, mouths agape. It's like seeing the youngest sibling of the family achieve something great.

A barrage of questions is aimed at Iwaizumi from the two of them, but Oikawa stays silent. His only reaction was to raise his eyebrows in surprise when Iwaizumi said it, but he's taken out his phone, typing quickly.

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