𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊

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A/N: For some reason this chapter got deleted and so I have to go back and rewrite the whole thing. I'm so angry that this happened, but oh well I guess I'll have to. Sorry for the long wait and I hope you enjoy!

Tabbi's pov

The night that Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Jax and I were restored was one of the worst nights I've ever had, possibly the worst.

It sounds good, yes. We weren't slaves of Quan Chi anymore. We weren't hurting good people for no reason anymore. But I couldn't help thinking that I did do that. I was under Quan Chi's control, for five years. And that was enough to make me feel horrible. I missed my friends who were still Revenants. I sure as all hell made it my mission to save them as well, and give them the chance that I got.

But it would be a while before that could happen.

Sonya let us stay at the military base that night, but after a couple days, we'd have to find somewhere else to go. With most of the Lin Kuei either being a Revenant or being cyberized, Kuai Liang and I had no where else to go. We couldn't ask Hanzo for hospitality, he didn't even have a clan, much less a place for Kuai and I to stay. We couldn't ask Jax either. Living in the city wasn't an option for us, we couldn't function somewhere like that. We were homeless. I was homeless again.

But just like the first time, Kuai Liang would be there to help. Hopefully. He had seemed to be taking the whole Revenant issue a lot better than me. I couldn't stop bawling my eyes out, and he kept all his anger or whatever he was going through, to himself. He didn't even say he was upset once throughout the whole night. My crying must've bothered him though, because eventually, he got out of his bed and sat down on mine to talk to me.

"Tabitha, I know what you're feeling. But you know that what you did wasn't the real you. You do know that, correct?"

I sat up, and wiped some tears from my face, but more just replaced them. I nodded, sadly. "I know it wasn't really me. But I can't help it. All those things we did...all the things our friends did. It's horrible...I can't believe that we were okay with it..."

"We were mind controlled. That's why we were okay with it....but that's not all that's bothering you...I feel Smoke has something to do with your tears as well?"

I nodded again. I was too sad to even admit it. Smoke was my best friend. Me and him were around the same age when we ended up with the Lin Kuei clan, and so we really bonded a lot. We learned together. But...we were also slaves of Quan Chi together. No doubt did we kill people side by side. And he was still doing that.

"He's still killing people....they all are. And we have to help them. They need to be restored too. I won't be able to live with myself if I never see Smoke again..." I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh. Being a Revenant was certainly mentally damaging.

Kuai sighed as well. He reached over and patted my shoulder. "We'll save them. I promise,"

"I hope we do,"

"We will," Kuai seemed satisfied with him at least trying to comfort, and stood up, walking back over to his bed.

"Kuai?" I asked, making him freeze (no pun intended) mid walk.

"Yes, Tabitha?"

"What will we do? There's nowhere for us to go. I mean, the remaining Lin Kuei are all cyberized. And the others are...not with us anymore," I sighed. "Where are we supposed to go?"

"This might sound...like a spur of the moment decision, but trust me, it's not. I've been thinking it over since we got here, and I think it might be doable. It'll be time consuming, it could take years, but it'll be very with it in the end. So you'll really have to put your heart and soul into this, Snow...I want to rebuild the Lin Kuei. And I want you right by my side the whole way there,"

"Me? Oh, Kuai, I don't know, I don't know if I'm really cut out for a position like that. I'm not even really that good of a-"

"You're just short of becoming a master of cryomancy, Tabitha. Stop lying to yourself," Kuai rolled his eyes. "I know you have what it takes to help me. It'll take lots of work, but I know that you can do it,"

"I'll have to think this over. This is a lot to think about, Kuai..."

"You'll be thinking nothing over, because I know you'll do it. Now get some rest, Tabbi. You'll need to be up early tomorrow so we can talk over our plans. Sleep well," Kuai said, and it seemed he'd made his point perfectly clear. I was helping him whether I wanted to or not at this point.

But since he was my friend, I was gonna help him anyway, whether or not we were the last two Lin Kuei left alive, aside from the cybers, but they didn't necessarily count. We were the only two human Lin Kuei left, anyway.

I fell asleep really uneasy, I wasn't sure that Kuai's plan would work, and I really just wanted to restore the other Revenants.

But all that would come in due time.

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