【️ confusion [ Part 1 ] 】️

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Saihara's POV

I peaked into his eyes examining his pupil. His left pupil remained unmoving as I stared at it. I moved over to the right one seeing his pupil dilated, widen at me. I took a step back and nod to the others. " Somewhat... " I mumbled. Ouma kept his eyes on me as I stood up.

" Saihara san.. " He called out. I blinked at him and bit my lower lip. I felt like hugging him right now. Immediately. He stretched out his arms and gave me a small smile. " Saihara san..! " He's soft voice called out in a hush tone. Adorable.

Unable to fight the urge, I went over to him and wrapped my arms around his figure. He snuggled close to my chest and it made me realize something. " Ouma kun is acting like that child version of him in the motive. "

" Ding ding ding~! right on the money! They didn't make you the Ultimate detective for nothing I see~! " The screen turned on to reveal the two toned bear. " Currently! Our Supreme Leader tripped over some meth and never again became conscious! Upupupu~! He'll be out of commission so try to kill him before then! He's as powerless in this form! Like an infant trying to walk on their feet without their mommies!!! Happppyyyy killing! " Monokuma's image on the screen disappeared into black.

My eyes went to Ouma who was looking at me with worry. I ruffled his hair hoping it'll reassure him even a little. He smiled and embraced my waist. " I'll protect Saihara san from bad people..! " He spoke with glee. Putting a hand over my mouth while watching him act like some adorable innocent kid.

" Shuichi. Stop eyeing the bastard like that. You're having a nosebleed. "

" Darn Didn't know Shyhara actually wants to suc-"

" Iruma san!! " Tsumugi cutted in eyes directed to Ouma even now.

" nosebleed... " Ouma's eyes watered ready to open the water works. I began to wipe my nose while giving him a nervous smile.

" It's fine Ouma kun. I'm fine! " Ouma nod before smiling at me like showing that he fully trusts me.
Ah that's right. He can't tell if I'm lying or not if he's in this form.

" As much as you two looked so Ship worthy. I'd like to rest now since Miu, Gonta and I have been waiting for you guys to wake up for a day and a half. " Her eyes landed on Himiko who was sleeping already on the desk. " She didn't even wake up once the whole day. "

I gave them a nod and watched them leave. Momota wanted to talk to me but I glared at him to leave with Harukawa. Kiibo said his farewell before leaving me alone with Ouma. He pulled away but remained smiling at me. His eyes reflecting such affection. He grabbed my hand and placed it over his flushed cheek. " I love you Saihara san..! " He muttered before planting a kiss on my palm.

I blushed at the sight.
" How about a deal~? " I remembered Junko whispered to me before telling me her offer. I took a deep breath and tried to strengthen my resolve. I leaned down to Ouma and planted a kiss on his forehead.

I need to do this. For Akamatsu. For my promise. For the deal.

Ouma giggled and threw himself at me. His legs on the sides of my waist while his head nuzzled on the space between my neck and shoulder. " Only Saihara san.. I only need Saihara san.. " I let myself drift to sleep with him in my arms. I kept recalling Junko's deal with me for a while before the image of Akamatsu's death popped out of my head.
We'll get out of here...

. . . . . ...

" Saihara san..! "

I snapped eyes open at the cheerful familiar tone of voice. Ouma's playful smile looming just above me. I smiled at him and was about to reach out to him when I felt the tightness on my left wrist. I looked down to my hand only to see that I was cuffed with Ouma's right wrist.

" Ouma kun?! "

Ouma smiled at me still despite the growing fear of Ouma trying to restrict my entire rights. Ouma wrapped his arms around me and giggled. " Saihara san's so surprise! " He cheered like this was the reaction he wanted. He lifted our cuffed wrists and pointed at them. " It's to make sure I can protect you! "

He grabbed my right hand and planted a kiss on the back of it. His eyes swirled in some sort of weird emotion I couldn't understand. I pulled my hand away hesitantly so that he wouldn't misunderstand it as a form of me pushing him away. My mind remembered Junko's words.
I forced a small smile on my lips.

" Saihara san doesn't have to worry about anything anymore! I'll make sure Sahara san doesn't get hurt! "

I sighed before standing up. I opened my drawer to see the key on the cuffs. Where else would he get this if he couldn't leave the room within me beside him? My deduction led to him touching my stuff without my permission and I knew that I only had one set since Monokuma originally placed it in this room Hoping I'll kidnap someone. I unlocked the cuffs and headed to the bathroom to wash up. Ouma's face dropped into a frown as he watched me leave. I closed the door behind me and locked it before washing my face. I heard a small thud on the door.

" Saihara san... "

" hm? "

His voice soft and sad passed through the door as if he was whispering. " Do you hate me..? "

I dried my face with the towel and headed to the shower. I began to think of his words.
Do i hate him?
I sighed and washed my body before drying it off then wear my uniform. My eyes trailed to Ouma, who sat on the floor beside the bed sitting on his leg. He balled his hands on top of his lap while his face had a blush on it, as I excited the bathroom.
" W-what are you doing, Ouma kun? "

" it feels like we're newly married couple... ~" He blushed and looked away.

I couldn't help blush myself from his words. Taking a step back, I waved my hands in the air. " W-what!?! No! That's not! You've misunderstood! "

His face went to blank while he tilted his head.
" huh? "
His eyes closed while he forced a smile on his lips.
" A-are you... "

" I just don't want you to misunderstood... " I rubbed th back of my neck and nervously smiled at him. " I don't think of you like um... romantic kinda thing... "

His eyes dulled for some reason and he forced a smile on his lips. " So you like Kyoshi then? That's it? Because you still like Kyoshi. " He said before standing up. His lips still having a strained smile. " I should have known."

I reached out to him. " U-um Ouma kun... that's not... — "

Ouma slapped my hand away and faced me with an empty smile with dull purple eyes. He took a step away from me and turned his back to walk over to the door. " It's fine. It doesn't matter anymore. " His words sounded harsh and cold as he walked out. Leaving me with my thoughts.

He... He left me?

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