【️ Tsumugi 】️

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Shuichi's POV

There's definitely something wrong here...

I watch Kokichi struggle at the ropes we tied him in. Kiibo and Kaito had went to search for the others to gather them here in the dining room to hold a meeting. Kokichi had woken up a few minutes from now screaming and thrashing.

" Stop! Stop! Stop Kyoshi! " He screamed out tears falling down his face. My heart tightened at the spot before my eyes landed on his. His eyes were full of despair and his crying didn't make him ugly then most crying people look. He sobbed and wheezed before finally calming down. He was still crying though but he wasn't moving much than earlier.

" Kokichi... " I softly muttered. Upon hearing my voice, He looked up to me weakly.

" Don't like kyoshi... Don't leave me Saihara san! " He threw himself to my chest and by instinct I wrapped my arms around him.

Kyoshi? Oh the one the other me was dating in his memories!
I combed his hair for a while trying to ease his trembling figure.
Ah he's so adorable like this.. Just relying on me..
" Kokichi. Look at me. " He obediently looked up to me while his cheeks was pressed to my chest. His eyes puffy with tears flowing down his cheeks. Despair visible in his eyes.

" Saihara san... D-Don't leave me... " He pleaded.

I placed the back of my hand on my mouth trying my best not to smile before snapping out of my thoughts and having my blood drain the colors out of my face.
Why would I smile at this?!
I closed my eyes and sighed before combing his hair once again. He stared at me pleadingly waiting for my answer.
" You won't leave me r-right? K-kyoshi won't want you to l-leave me? " I felt something inside me moved like a hand dragging something on my soul. A trigger being flipped.

He keeps saying Kyoshi this and Kyoshi that...
I grabbed his shoulders, letter my nails dig on to his clothes. I smiled at him before eyeing his pathetic figure.
" Calm down. I'm sure Kyoshi would let me leave you. "
I also have to keep that deal in mind. Apparently even my self in the motive back then also did this deal before entering the game..

He relaxed with a grateful smile.
Kokichi opened his mouth about to speak up until the doors of this dining room opened revealing the others. Kiibo giving me an icy glare before heading over to Kokichi. He hugged the robot and smiled at him which was starting to look suspicious for me.

" Gonta confused. Gonta not know why everyone here... "

" What?! Just when I was about to finish those electrohammers! What do you want Gayhara!?! "

" Did someone say Gay?! "

" Those blueprint would be trash now Miu. " Kiibo harshly spoke before turning to everyone with a glare.

" Guys calm down! My Sidekick has something to announce! "

I shifted my balance as soon as I stood up. Looking at them at the eyes was getting harder knowing that they might be getting annoyed at me.
" I... We should ask Monokuma for a final trial."

" Final trial? What you virgins going to do then? Kill us one by one and escape with only two people? What are we going to argue about there? "

" The Mastermind. Of course " Kiibo stood up and eyed everyone except me. " I believe that I know who the Mastermind is already but we need proof to get them. "

" That's why Sidekick is going to start investing while Kiibo and I ask for the rights for the trial from Monokuma! "

" I uh yeah! " I nervously looked away subconsciously eyeing Kokichi. He gave me a shy smile which made me blush. I returned the gesture with smile. " Yeah we'll find the mastermind... "

—-—-—(time skip brought to you by Gayhara being gay)—-—-—

I narrowed my eyes and pointed at Tsumugi.
" You're the Mastermind! "
Something isn't right. Something's wrong.

" Ha! As if! I-It's Junko Enoshima right?! She's the Mastermind! I can't be the Mastermind! " Shirogane started to breathe frantically while her eyes shifted everywhere. " O-or Kokichi! He's the Mastermind not me! "

I narrowed my eyes at her for calling Kokichi in a first name basis. " He isn't the Mastermind! He was with me the entire time! "

" That doesn't prove anything! "

Kaito frowned. " Give it up Tsumugi. You lose."

Glancing to the side, Kokichi was staring at Kiibo. Kiibo had malfunctioned or should I say had been erased all of a sudden. His eyes started to glitch and he shutted down maybe to find the bug. He let out the words in a binary speech but decoding it shows that it was one of it's fracture that triggered it.
「️Mastermind Trial」️He stated.

" Friend Kokichi isn't the Mastermind! Gonta believes in friends! "

" Kokichi is the Mastermind! You dumbasses! It Can't BE ME! " Tsumugi yelled out with her face containing an angry red color. She adjusted her glasses while glaring at us.
"He's the Mastermind! I'm just a plain girl! I would never be able to make a game like this!"

" Shut up Unattractive Plain Bitch! "

"I believe in Sidekick! You're the Mastermind!" Kaito yelled out pointing an accusing finger at her with a determined expression while hers turned blank.

She started to giggle then it turned to laughter. Her figure shifted and she somehow changed into Different people. Her speech and voice changed various ways depending on the characters she cosplayed as.
" You GUYS are really dumb! " Junko squealed before she grew mushrooms on her head. "Someone like me wouldn't be able to make this game but you guys keep saying I did. "

No it's her. It's her. She did it.
I glared at her refusing to back down at her words. She was still laughing at us.

" The truth is Our beloved detective is refusing to believe it right~? "

It's not. I'm not wrong. I'm not wrong. It's Tsumugi. Tsumugi is the Mastermind.

" shut up and Let's vote already! " I yelled out in frustration as Monokuma announced the time and votes.

" Upupupu~! It went exactly as expected and you guys guessed wrong! Upupupu~! Everyone had voted wrong! "

Ha! Who needs sleep?!
Its 3 in the morning and I'm dying.
_:(´ཀ'」 ∠):_ …
I'm just finishing it up.
A/N ted corner.

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