【️ confused [ Part 3 ] 】️

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Himiko's POV

" I don't want this to continue anymore... "

I stopped my hand from grabbing the doorknob of Miu's laboratory door. Outside, it seems that Ouma is talking about something for some unknown reasons I have became a bystander ... A listener of his little ted talk with himself.
This is tiring... Tenko and Angie aren't even here anymore...
I sighed tired at all the drama and emotions that this killing game had put me through.

I wouldn't mind that Shuichi has started to act weird.
Ouma on the other hand... He's weird already. He doesn't act like himself yet. Though Monokuma said he'll turn back today. I don't know what happened in the motive but Kaito's, Shuichi's and Maki's behavior now makes me think no I know something bad happened in there.

I heard the familiar laugh of 'Neheehee' before the sound of skin being slapped once. I concluded that Ouma is back to normal but the noise confused me. I pushed my ear deeper into the door hoping to get more sounds or information from what's happening out there to him.

I didn't know I'd be acting like this. I don't even like drama...

" Oh Saihara chan~! " It took a moment for him to continue. " Do you take me as a fool? "

" everything that Kyoshi loves can never be yours. " Ouma joyfully pointed out. " Lying to me about you befriending me before all this... " The next words he spoke held a tone similar to furious. " I'd rather die than to lose the person I really like. "

My mana isn't fully charged yet...

. . . ...

" I'll go with Kiiboy! " Ouma gleefully spoke while clinging to his arm like a leach. It's been two days and Surprisingly enough, Ouma acted the same despite that not clingy behavior to Shuichi.

" I... Uh..." Shuichi seemed nervous and confused at his behavior. He seemed like he WANTED to ask him something but was hesitant to do so.

I would be too.

t the little lying gremlin wasn't on me like super glue like always.

Tsugumi nervously stood behind me.
" U-um Himiko chan... d-do you want to hang out? Just the two of us? " She brought her arms in front of her face and frantically moved them left and right. " W-well we can go at your own pace you know! "

Thought she didn't like me?
I nod my head to lazy to even think of anything. We head out to the dining room.
Thought we were going to hang out somewhere?
I didn't notice until we entered the building since I was busy rambling about how tired I was as a result of my low mana. I followed her until we get there.

" U-um Himiko chan? How about some tea? Or juice? " She suddenly offered. She went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator without waiting for my response.

" Juice is nice. " I casually answered. She took out the juice and poured me some in a glass cup. I sighed exhausted and lay my head on the table.

I nod my head not really processing all of her words.

" Ouma seems to be back to normal. "

I lifted my head and rested my chin on my right hand's palm. I sighed at her words but was interested to continue the topic.
" Nyeh... He seems to be acting weird though? And a bit not too clingy with Shuichi. "

Tsumugi hummed and got out of the kitchen to take a seat beside me while placing my juice in front of me. I took a sip and she smiled.
" Maybe Ouma is reflecting on his actions. Shuichi did say that he went through a repeat kind of thing in his memories. " She stated while eyeing her glass.

I finished mine with a big gulps and sighed once more. " Well seems to me he isn't the only one acting strange. Shuichi also. He's been with him like a dog following his master."

Tsumugi placed her hand over her chin and thought it through for a while. " Now that you mention it... Shuichi did start to cling on Ouma as soon as he woke up. " She smiled and blushed. " Mind I say that I do like Yaoi but this kind of development is too fast even for me! "

" Nyeh..." placing my empty glass on the table before a yawn escaped my mouth. " I doubt Shuichi even Likes him since Shuichi was with Kaede a lot when she was alive. "
And Ouma...

Tsumugi smiled and let out a small laugh.
" Yeah you might be right. Shuichi might not like Ouma since he's trouble. "

" He doesn't. Shuichi doesn't like troublesome people. "
I pushed my chair away from the table and stood up. An announcement called us out that we had only little time left in investigating for the trial. " nyeh?! It's almost time for the meeting for Miu's virtual reality tour thingy. "

Tsumugi face faltered before she nervously smiled at me. " S-sorry... I just didn't want to be alone. Sorry I lied. "

" nyeh? You lied to me?? " I sighed Again. "It's fine I guess..."

She went back to her normal smile and took my hand as to help me get to the trial grounds faster. I pulled away from her grip as we passed a certain hallway. " Sorry Tsumugi. Go on ahead. I just need to use the bathroom."

She nod her head and went ahead. I lazily went to the door of the girl's bathroom. Ready to open it.

" Himiko. "

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