CHAPTER-6 Reflection

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*First person's POV*

Is it a dream?

Am I still asleep?

Is Jungkook standing in the kitchen, with a black hoodie and glasses, looking like an absolute boyfriend and cooking?

"Goo moenin." he quitely said, too concentrated in setting up the plates.

"Good morning? Is someone coming over?" I ask looking at the large amount of breakfast on the kitchen island.

He put the grilled sandwiches on the plate, along with some bacon and pouring out juice. "Huh? No, it's for us."

My eyebrows shot up after hearing this. Is he trying to poison me?

"Sit." he ordered. 
Is it real kindness? Is he playing a game?

Anyhoo I pulled out a stool and slowly sat on it. Keeping my eyes on him.

I guess I stared too hard coz...

"I know you told me I am beautiful but you haven't eaten anything since last night. So eat up."

What the hap is fuckening?

"I-I um I am sorry for that day. I shou--"

"Yeah no don't apologise. You already made 'apology' dinner which was fucking delicious and I was at fault too. So we are even."

My stomach growled.
It roared. 


Jungkook looked at me with big eyes and pursed lips, obviously trying not to laugh.

"Shut up." I mumbled and started eating. I could see his shoulders moving up and down as he held his head low.

"How long have you starved that little guy?" he asked grinning from ear to ear.

"Since that night." I avoided looking at him.

"What?" he asks softly. "Y/n you are not my wife but that doesn't mean I don't care for you."

I look into his eyes, which reflected honesty and nothing else.

"Please don't do that again. Please, take care of yourself."

I nod my head and take a bite of the sandwich he prepared. 

"Mmmm this tastes so good." I say as the cheese flooded my mouth and the tastes of vegetables tingled my taste buds.

"You should try me then."

Involuntarily, I tossed a bacon at him which he caught with his mouth.

"You are such a puppy." I laugh at him.

"I am a good boy right?" he smirked.

"Ofcourse you are. Because if you are bad, I will punish you." I smirk back.

"Then I will try to be bad."

"Oh god let me have breakfast in peace!" I dramatically yell as he started laughing loudly. He clearly lives to annoy me.

People need oxygen.
He needs my agony.

We chatted about random things and I told him about my meeting with Taehyung the last day. It was really cool actually. Jungkook wasn't that bad to talk to. I guess I judged him too hard, too soon.

"So you wanna hang out today?" he asks all of a sudden.

"Don't you have to go for work?"

"Nah I cleared my schedule for today. Thought would spend some time with you." 

"Um okay. Where should we go?"

"I know the perfect place." he said with a bright smile.


"Carnival?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" I scream excitedly as I start to make out the bright lights and the people and all the music. I started bouncing in my seat. It's been decades since I have been to a carnival and now I am here with this huge smiley muscle coconut, whose expressions were a reflection of mine.

"Yessss!!!!!!!!!" he squealed too. Accelerating the speed of the car as we neared the parking lot.

"Come on Jungoo fast! Come awn come awn come awwnnnnnn!!!!" I got impatient as he took his own time parking the car.

Once he cut the engine off, I sprang up from the seat and stood outside his window and started knocking on the glass.

*tap tap* "Jungoo" *tap tap* "Jungoo" *tap tap* "Jungoo" *tap tap* "Jungoo" *tap tap* "Jungoo" 

"I should have brought a tranquilizer." he mumbled while unbuckling his belt and climbing out. "Okay let's go kid." he mocked me but I didn't care. I was too happy at that moment.

I grab his big veiny hand and start to drag him towards the ticket counter.

"Take the tickets. For two adults. Fast!Fast!"

"I think I might take one adult and one child."

I push him towards the counter and he shakes his head before buying the tickets.


*Third Person's POV*

"What would you like to do fi---Y/n?" he looked around for the ball of excitement who vanished when just a second ago she was beside him.


He turned around towards the source of the voice, smiling at the jumping girl as she pointed towards the huge bouquet made of chocolates on the prize section of a balloon game.

"You want them?" he looks down on her, peering into her innocent and big eyes. "How much?" he asked the guy on the counter and paid him for one round of popping the balloons.

"You gotta take 50 out in 30 seconds." the he said, handing them the darts.

"Let's play together." Y/n said.

The red numbers flashed on top, counting down to 1, when they will start popping.

Soon that stall was filled with popping sounds and war screams as the two 'adults' tried to pop 50 balloons. 

When the 30 seconds were up, they both expectantly looked up at the stall owner, who flashed them a smile with thumbs up.

"Yaaaaaaaaay!" they yelled in unison.

"Um, can we keep this here only? We'll take it once we are heading back home." Y/n asked the owner, to which he nodded.

"Okay, where to next?" she asks Jungkook.

"Ummm......let's go checkout other gaming stalls." he said.

Both of them started exploring the various things the carnival had to provide.
Often fighting when one of them lost some game but teaming up again for another.
To a third person, they would seem like a perfect couple, but that's what they had to do.

They had to seem like a perfect couple.

They had to fake it.


Fake It To Make It [jjk X reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang