Who's your favourite brother?

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George: 18
Harry: 16
Noah: 15
James: 14
Me- aka Grace: 11

Here I was staring endlessly at the clock while my procrastination grew. I stared back down at my pencil which hadn't moved since this afternoon lying next to my blank maths homework.
"Uuuuuggghhhhhh" I used to be so good at maths, I thought. What happened? My chain of thoughts was broken as I felt a hand on my shoulder while my head was in my hands in frustration. I turned around to see James looking at me with reassurance.
"Come on I'll help" he reasoned, I groaned but smiled thankfully at him.

Half an hour past and we were just sat finishing up.
" So if x-3=0, then x must equal 3" I rejoiced in my head as I scribbled down the last answer followed by me slamming shut my textbook. I turned to James who was laughing at how over dramatic I was being.
"Can I get a hug from my favourite brother now?" As we both broke out of our hug, I heard a cough, not a real one though, more one of the ones that want you to get there attention. I spun round and saw George leaning against the door frame.
"Aaawwwwww. Aren't you two cute." He sarcastically chimed in. "But, I couldn't help but hear you calling him your favourite brother"
My eyes widened remembering that stupid remark I had made before. I turned round back to George, still sitting on my desk chair trying to avoid his eye contact. Soon enough I felt to hands on either one of my shoulders, before his hands snakes behind my back, going under my shirt (not in that way you weirdos) and squeezing the hell out of my hip bones. Me, not even knowing I was ticklish there started squirming and thrashing, trying to avoid his tickling fingers.
"I'm sorry Grace, who is your favourite brother again?"
This is what perked up the now laughing James. He thought he was her favourite and wanted to get to the bottom of the sudden change. Because of George's hands, he noticed my top was now raised quite a bit showing off my tiny but ticklish stomach. So while my hipbones we being squeezed, he darted all ten of his wriggling fingers into my stomach, skittering and sliding while I suffered this torture.
"I'm sorry Miss Gracie but I thought I was your favourite" with two major spots being tickled I almost fainted but that didn't stop the brothers. In fact because of all of the noise it brought two more curious brothers to know what was going on. Noah and Harry smirked as they peered there heads round my door.
" Well well well, what has Miss Gracie done now"
James and George both stop for a while but still hold me in place.
" You see Gracie here has a favourite brother, and we all want to know which one of us it is" he explained whilst winking at them.
"I definitely would love to know" Harry sarcastically
added. I was in prepared to what happened next. They all positioned themselves and immediately started the torture. George went further under my top up to my bare armpits, Harry squeezes my ribs and 'counted them' conveniently losing count every so often, Noah's fingers played my stomach like a piano while James held my arms right up and tickled my neck. I was screaming my head off with tears streaming down my face as I shook violently with no avail to get them off.
"So Gracie which one of us is your favourite then?" Noah started. They all stopped and looked at me grinning as if I had some sort of fair answer. The tickling abruptly started again while they laughed and I screamed again.
"Whoops too slow"
"You know I bet she's my favourite, I WAS the one who helped her with her homework"
"Nah, I think I am, I am the nicest to her" all of these comments being said as if they weren't torturing me.
"STTTTTTAAAOOOOOPPPPPP" I screamed finally. They all stopped and looked at the giggling mess that I was.
"I love you all equally" just as I said this, Noah started drumming his fingers against my belly once more.
"But you like me the most, right" he teased
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" i yelled again.
All my brothers laughed as I got tortured for another minute before they all stopped and hugged my tiny self. Adding in the occasional pokes and jabs.

God they know how to wind me up sometimes, but looking round as I laughed, I wouldn't change it for the world.

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