CHAPTER 16: Gunner

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When we got back to my place last night, we ended up not talking and instead went straight to just making love to each other a few times throughout the night before eventually falling asleep in each other's arms. 

After waking up this morning, since I was the first one to wake up, I went and made her some breakfast then by the time I was finished plating, I looked up from the kitchen counter and noticed she was rubbing her eyes and had the sheet from the bed wrapped around her body with her hair disheveled and her make up smeared a little.....She looked beautiful still.

"Good morning beautiful." I greeted her with a smile.

She smiled back at me and walked over towards the table.

"Good morning to you too handsome." She replied.

I bent my head down and began giving her a kiss on the lips before taking a seat down beside her and we began eating breakfast and drinking some coffee before we finally started talking about what we meant to originally begin talking about last night and didn't. 

"So, last night, what we talked about." I started. 

"Yeah." She says. 

"There's something I want to tell you about your ex, Joshua. My boss told me that he has been spotted getting closer to here and I'm not sure in how he would know where you're at exactly, but we need to begin thinking about what we could do to make sure that he doesn't." I tell her. 

She now looks concerned and worried. 

"Oh my god." She mumbles to herself. "How could I have ever been so stupid in thinking that I could ever have been able to get away from that lifestyle and him. I mean, I thought at least with him, I could." 

I reached my hand over the table and placed it onto hers and looked into her eyes. 

"Baby, I promise that no matter what, I will do everything I can to protect you." I try and reassure her and comfort her as I can feel her hands begin to tremble in mine and gently rub the top of her hand with my thumb and begin to notice that she seems to be calming down. 

"I trust you." She smiles at me. 

"Good." I smile at her. "But now that we have that all settled, I think the next thing we need to do is call my boss, the Director of the FBI and talk to him about what's going on as well as think about where we are going to have you stay at." I mention. 

"What do you mean? Can't I stay in my apartment? I mean, you and Ferris live across the way." She says. "Oh crap, what about Ferris? Are we going to tell him?" 

"Yeah. I already messaged him earlier about needing to talk with him and he happens to be coming back today in a few hours, so I figured you could be there with us also and then we can figure out from there what all we're going to do. For now though, I need to contact my Director. In which brings me to warning you that he might need to talk with you." I mention. 

"Talk to me? About what?" She asks. 

"Mostly about anything you can tell him in what all you remember about your father and Joshua in what all they did. Mostly in particular, the days leading up to your father's death." 

"Oh." She says. "Honestly there isn't much I remember too well about what all he did because I mostly didn't want to accept it. So I don't know how much help I can be to you guys but, I'll try my best." 

"That's all I ask." I tell her with a smile. 

We give each other a kiss then we begin to get ready for when Ferris comes here and while getting ready and after leaving a message with my Director, a thought came to mind about a few ideas on where she could stay at. Would it be better at her place or mine and Ferris'? I don't know, maybe I shouldn't overthink things right now and just wait until after we talk with Ferris and my Director before I begin even thinking about if we should stay here or not. Might even have to go somewhere more private and secluded. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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