Chapter 6

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After another day of riding and the occasional stops to hunt, Ealdor was in sight. Merlin had to admit, he was nervous about having his Camelotian friends meet his twin. Well, more like look at her then realize she can't really move or talk, and then look away. Merlin sighed. He was doing a lot of that recently, he realized.

The warlock looked over to the knights, trying to figure out what they were thinking of the situation. Percival, Leon and Elyan, as always, had masked expressions. Gwaine looked excited, and Arthur... he looked almost... nervous. Merlin was slightly concerned for his friend.

"Arthur?" He asked

Arthur turned to him, looking slightly annoyed. "Yes, Merlin?"

"Are you alright?" he asked. Arthur looked confused for a second, then said.

"Of course. I just don't want to panic the villagers." He explained, "It must be a bit frightening to have a bunch of knights with hunting weapons coming into their village, Especially so soon after Kanen." Merlin stared at the King, then smiled and teased.

"Aww, Arthur, you care about their feelings!"

"Not sure what you are talking about Merlin." Grunted Arthur. At that, Merlin just grinned wider. "Oh shut up, Merlin, or I'm throwing you in the stocks."

"Well good thing Ealdor doesn't have any stocks then!" The smiling servant said cheerfully.

Arthur grinned at him evilly "Oh, we can improvise." he promised. 




"Merlin!" Merlin turned to look ahead of him and smiled.

"Mother!" He exclaimed, sliding off his horse and embracing his mother. "You alright?"

"Of course, my boy, thank you for coming." She glanced behind her son and added: "I see you brought company."

Arthur and the rest of the knights slid off their horses as well, and Hunith gave a quick bow "Milord. Knights. I've heard a lot about you." Merlin's mother said. "Especially you Arthur. I am so sorry about the loss of your father."

Arthur came up next to her son and told her "Please, Hunith, just call me Arthur. Allow me to introduce you to my knights. These are Sirs Percival, Elyan, Leon, and Gwaine."

(Hi, me re-editing here, I am making it so Lancelot is alive, so let's just say he stayed in Camelot)

Hunith nodded her head in a bow to each of the knights. "It's so nice to finally meet you all. I've heard that you have been on quite the adventures."

Gwaine laughed. "That's for sure."

Hunith smiled at the knight, then turned back to Merlin "Will you all be staying for the night? I'm sure we can make room." Merlin smiled at his mother.

"Of course we are." Then, realizing that it wasn't really his decision, turned to Arthur, who just nodded.

"Perfect." Replied Hunith, "Well, come inside, then, it's getting chilly. You can put the horse at the back of the house and I'll get the children to feed them. They will be delighted."

*Time Skip*

After the knights were all set up across the floor of Merlin's former home and had eaten a nice dinner, Merlin turned to his mother while the others were occupied.

"How is she, mother?" Merlin asked

Hunith smiled at her son. "She is alright. I fear that we may hurt her if we have to continue to hold her down any longer. And the nightmares only seem to be worsening. I only hope Gauis can do something for her." She said sadly, and gestured to the knights "Do they know about her?"

"Yes, but they only found about last night." Merlin answered in a whisper, "I believe that it may be a sensitive matter to them. I did lie about it after all."

"Merlin, you did what you felt was right. There is no shame in that. They are good men from what I have heard, do not dwell on it."

"Thanks, Mother."

"Of course, my boy," Hunith whispered. "Get some sleep, you can see her in the morning, alright?" Merlin nodded and joined his friends on the floor, promptly falling asleep.

Ok... deep breath. I hope you are ready to (sorta) meet Alara!

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