Chapter 12

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Second, I believe that this will be the 2nd-last chapter. I know! I am also sad! But I have a lot of other story ideas written up and ready, and they will be up soon. 

The feast was amazing. Roughly 200 people were there, all stuffing their faces with the luxury food, yet 2 hours in they still hadn't finished the food, and that was saying something - the people of the royal household tended to eat a lot, especially the knights. 

While everyone sat, joked around, told stories, and were having a good time with smiles on their faces, Merlin didn't share their happiness. He was sitting with Gaius on one side of him, and Arthur on the other, but he just sat slumped in his chair, thinking sadly about how he wished his sister could be here for this. A single tear slid down his face and he quickly wiped it. This feast was in honour of him, he shouldn't cry. But Merlin couldn't hold back his sorrow, and excused himself from the table, hurrying from the room, not noticing Gaius' and Arthur's looks of concern.

Once Merlin got out of the banquet hall, he walked with his head down, heading to his room but then stopping and changing course to go to the battlements. He would rather be alone at the moment. He walked swiftly, almost running up the stairs to get away from the stuffy indoors.

Merlin only calmed down once he was outside, and went over to the low wall and sat on the cold stone ground with his head between his knees. He stared at the ground between his feet, watching his soft tears hit the ground. Why did it have to be Alara? Why wouldn't she wake up? It wasn't fair that she couldn't stand by his side as he celebrated his new roles. It wasn't fair that she wasn't able to be happy while he could. And how could Merlin be happy for even one minute if she couldn't even open her eyes? 

The tears were now falling quickly, and Merlin's body shook with silent sobs. He felt a hand clamp down on his shoulder, guiding him into a standing position before embracing him tightly.

"What's wrong, my boy?" Gaius asked his ward-now-apprentice softly.

"I-I-I should have saved her Gaius. I should have been there to stop her from falling. I should have done something." Merlin sobbed into his shoulder.

"Merlin, you aren't responsible for someone else's actions, and you certainly can't stop them." Gaius scolded, but still using a soft tone while giving his wisdom. "It isn't your fault. And I have news about your sister, Merlin."

Merlin's head snapped up. "She's awake?" He asked hopefully.

"No, at least not yet."

"Yet?" Merlin asked hopefully.

"Well, you said that your mother thought her condition was worsening because of the nightmares that came with the fits, but I believe that it's the opposite." Gaius started, "I believe that the shaking and nightmares are a sign that she is gaining more control over her body, as well as her mind. I hope that this will lead to her waking up." Gaius concluded.

I have said this before, this is not actually coma information. It's made up. I am definitely not a doctor.

"Do you know when she will wake?" Merlin asked, tone turning more enthusiastic by the minute.

"It could be any time, Merlin. It could be in a couple of years, or it could be now. ."

"Why are we still here then?!" Merlin exclaimed, "let's go!" With that, not even bothering to wait for Gaius, Merlin ran back inside.

Merlin was at the bottom of the stairs when he crashed into someone, sending them both sprawling onto the hard floor. 

"Merlin!" Yelled Arthur "What the hell are you doing?" He screamed as he pushed his manservant's legs off him.

"Arthur! Sorry, I didn't notice you were there."

"Well, obviously! Why were you running down the stairs like that? And why are you so happy all of a sudden?"

Merlin looked at him curiously, "What do you mean?"

"Well, you weren't exactly happy at the feast." Arthur reasoned.

"Oh ya, well, I'm better now," Merlin said with a smile. "Gotta go!"

"Merlin!" Arthur called after him. Once Merlin turned back around to face the king, he asked, "You sure you're alright?"

Merlin nodded and answered, "Yep. See you!"

Arthur looked at his manservant with a puzzled expression, before running to catch up with him.

"Where are we going?"

Merlin turned in surprise before relaxing when he saw it was only Arthur. 

"I'm checking on Alara." He said.

"Alright, lead the way." Merlin looked at him strangely before rolling his eyes. Arthur shoved his shoulder.

"Keep rolling your eyes like that, Merlin. Tell me when you find your brain. I've yet to find it." Merlin glared at him.





"That's my word," complained Merlin

"And now it's mine." Replied Arthur cheekily. And with that, they bickered the whole way back to Gaius' chambers.

Aaahh! The next chapter is the last one! But there is an exciting announcement so read the A/N at the beginning of the next chapter.

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