Just a day

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Kimberly's POV

I couldn't believe what i heard, I squinted my eyes and kept staring into space, I couldn't comprehend what I just heard, I regained myself and snapped my head to see that my Manager wasn't there anymore! I ran a quick glance at the coffee shop and saw him behind the counter, I ran quickly to meet the manager,
"Mike  please you can't possibly fire me. you know how much i need this job! It was just a mistake and we are all humans, I know i made a mistake but telling me to leave my job seems too much of a punishment" I rushed out not giving any breathing space, I was hoping he was just joking but it didn't seem like that, He seemed pretty serious

He looked at me with an expression I couldn't understand and sighed
"Kim do you know who that man is?"
He asked me and I slowly shook my head, I didn't know I am supposed to know the man!
"No I don't, But please Jack you cannot do this to me!" I say and placed my hand on his arm, pleading with him to change his mind but I didn't seem to be doing a good job" He gently removes the hand I placed on his arm and sighs
"See Kimberly, if it were anyone else I would ignore it, overlook it but not this time! The coffee shop could get a bad review just because of what happened, You might not it but  you spilled coffee on Jace Norman! The one and only Jace Norman, I cannot afford to get bad reviews just because of your silly mistake Kim, please understand me, You know just how much the coffee shop means to me and I can't afford to lose it." He tells me and my eyes burned with unshed tears, I couldn't believe this was happening to me! It was an honest mistake but it shouldn't cost me my job " Look Kim, I will hire you again if you can somehow manage to convince him to come back here, If I don't get bad reviews about this coffee shop then you would have your job back, But if not! I can't do much for you!" He says and a tear dropped from my eyes, I nodded solemnly and removed my apron, Placing it against the counter, I grabbed my bag and wiped my tears, Attempting to leave but he stops me when he called out my name "I promise you Kim, If you get him back here you would have your job back but if not, I can't do anything!" He reminded me again and i nodded and walked out of the coffee shop feeling dejected.
It really was an honest mistake that I believed anyone would make, how was I supposed to know he was the one and only Jace Norman, I mean he could make the same mistake too but just because it's me I get fired

I sighed and started to walk back home, this is crazy how was I supposed to know that it was him? How in the world am I supposed to get him? Where do I find him? I wiped the tears that was threatening to fall down my cheeks

I got home and stripped off my clothes, taking  a long cold shower, I just wanted to forget what happened today but it was impossible!
Now how was I supposed to get jace Norman I've only heard of him I haven't seen him until today i thought to myself, I stepped out of the bathroom brought out my pyjamas tied my hair in a ponytail and picked up my phone. I made a call through to Lisa,right now I needed my bestie and I knew she would be here for me, She picked up almost immediately and I found myself narrating the whole incident to her
"What in the world Kim! How can Jack actually fire you for such, You had no idea and it could happen to anyone! Fine you made a mistake but that wasn't the best option for him" she said and I opened my mouth to talk but nothing was coming out, I bursted into tears
"Kim its going to be alright!, I don't like to hear you cry or see you cry, It's all going to be fine eventually!" she said to me "It was a mistake and Jack shouldn't have fired you for a such but we will sort it out eventually " she said to me " Thank you lisa, we'll speak tomorrow" "alright Kim we will see at school tomorrow"

As I laid down thinking of all my expenses, i just couldn't help but cry the more, I am a scholarship student but i still had to worry about my expenses, I couldn't depend on my parents as they were not so rich. I knew how hard it was to get through high school and how my parents struggled to help me , I got myself the job at the coffee shop so I didn't have to bother them for any of my expenses, It was also part of the reason my social life was inexistent but now it was all over, if I don't find Jace Norman I wouldn't get my job back! I laid on my bed and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up the next day and showered, I wasn't even in the slightest mood to put on anything fancy, I already hated the day and just wanted it to be over as soon as possible, I wore my clothes and left for school.
After class,I  in the cafeteria for Lisa,i saw her walking towards me with Mason,apparently they had started dating, I was sincerely happy for her but I wasn't in the mood for love
"Hi babes, hi Mason!"  I greeted the both and Lisa reached out and pulled me in an embrace, while patting my back ad she whispers it soothingly in my ear "it's going to be fine baby girl" I smiled and pulled back
Mason asked me what was wrong and I gave him a full explanation, "oh! That wasn't actually nice of Jack, It was an honest mistake and you didn't deserve that!I'm sorry you had to loose your job but I can help you if you don't mind" He tells me and my eyes widen as he said that
" How do you intend on helping me? Do you know Jace Norman because that is the only way you can actually help me!" I say sadly and rested my head on Lisa's shoulder while she rubbed my palms
"As a matter of fact, I know how you can meet him, I know where his company is and also when he would be there!" Mason says and my eyes widen, I snapped my head and in the process bumped my head with Lisa's chin, We both yelped in pain while Mason Chuckled
"Baby!!" Lisa whined at Mason and he shut up immediately
"Tell me everything Mason, Everything!" I said pulling him out of the love daze he was in with Lisa
He chuckled and went on telling me how I could meet Jace Norman. My insides were bubbling with happiness as he told me

Oh Jace, I would be the first person you would see tomorrow!

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