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I walked out of his house and out of his life, I knew it in me that I deserved better than all of that. I took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the road with my bags in my hand, My eyes got clouded with tears but I blinked them back, I wasn't going to get weak here! No! I will not be weak. I stood by the side walk and waited for a taxi, I boarded a taxi and got home
Now i am back to square one.. isn't it so funny? Few weeks back I was offered a contract to be a fake girlfriend but I couldn't even try to stay long in the contract, I was already falling in love with him
Haha! My life really sucks now doesn't it? I got down from the taxi and paid the driver, Taking my bags in my hand as i turned to look at my apartment
At least I still have my home here, Waiting for me. I walked towards the door and opened the front door
Well now I am back and here for good!

No job
No friends
No love

Well isn't everything working out perfectly for me, I chuckled and set my bag on the couch and collapsed on the couch, I thought about everything that had happened and A tear escaped my eye. How could I have been so foolish to let Jace take me for such a fool? How could I have given him my body just like that! Well yes now I am paying for my stupidity. I had absolutely nothing now.

I cried and cried till I felt slightly better. I stood up to put my bags in my room.
It Looked like its been months i came here, but it's just been some few weeks since I was here,
I gently laid on my bed and cuddled myself "I'll deal with all my problems tomorrow" I thought to myself. As i slowly drifted into darkness.

The next day, I woke up with a terrible terrible headache, my head pounded immediately i sat up, I was still in my yesterday's clothing! I slept all through the day yesterday, How did i do that? And I didn't even wake up once to use the restroom, Nothing!

I really outdid myself with my tears now didn't i? I got up as i made my way into the kitchen, well i had nothing to eat here.I sighed and leaned against the zinc

I definitely cannot live like this, can I ?" I walked back to my room and stripped off my clothes as I stepped into the bathroom. I needed a cold bath and that was what i got. I turned on the shower and let the water pour unto my head. After a refreshing bath I towel dried my body and changed into a tank top and shorts, Tying my hair into a loose bun . I decided to stop sulking and look for a job, Jace had done what he wanted to and I would do what I want too. So I  took out my laptop and searched for job vacancies.
I sent my resume to some companies.
I closed my laptop and put a call through to Lisa, After about two rings she picked up the phone

"Hey babes, are you around?" I asked meekly and heard some shuffling over the phone

"Yes what's up, You don't sound like yourself, I'll be over in a few minutes"  she said rushed out and a small smile appeared on my face

"Wait Lisa, i left jace's place i am now at my house, I'll be expecting you and If you don't mind can you get something eatable on your way?" I say and and heard a low yes before cutting the call

Minutes later

*knock knock*
I opened the door and saw Lisa with a bag "Hey babes" i smiled weakly at her and her eyes widen upon seeing me
"God Kim, you look like shit" she exclaimed and I rolled my eyes, Incase you haven't noticed, My dear best friend is the definition of exaggerating
"What? I took a bath already and brushed too so how do I look bad?" I defended quickly and stepped aside so she would come in of which she did
She dropped the bag on the table and stood akimbo while I sat on the couch
"Okay I'm all hears, What happened and why are you back home?" she says and I sighed, I opened my mouth to talk but nothing seemed to come out, Lisa sat beside me and rubbed my palms "It's fine Kim" She says and I smiled at her
"Well the thing is.." I spent the next hour explaining all that had happened between Jace and I, Including the sex and all to her also about the gala and the woman who he had kissed.
"And why the fuck would Jace do something like that" , she exclaimed as she pulled me closer to her and gave me a hug, Tears burned eyes but I wasn't willing to cry over it. I wasn't willing to cry over Jace

The weekend went by quickly and it was Monday,
My interview is today, I looked at myself in the mirror, i looked thinner but still okay
I brought out a black skirt and blue chiffon top to match, I tied my hair into a ponytail, wore my shoes and set out .
I got to the company where the interview was being held

Time passes

I sat in front of the interviewer, i was asked a couple of questions. Which I answered
"Alright Miss Blake, thank you for your time and we will get back to you."The man says and I nod, Walking out of the company I had a feeling I was going to get hired, Maybe My life would change from here henceforth, Just maybe!
I boarded a taxi back home

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