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I stormed into my room, what exactly did he think of himself,such arrogance .
Well it's only for a month Kim and you'll be out of here I reassured myself, I had my bath and changed into my pajamas
The next morning, i bathed and got dressed i went downstairs. But I couldn't see anyone around, I quizzed my eyebrows as I looked around but I could only see Andrew

"Andrew where is Noona?"  i asked him and he smiled warmly at me

"Oh she will be out for today Kim." He told me and continued with what he was doing, I walked over to the kitchen and fixed breakfast for myself after I was done, I went to the dining room, and sat down to eat. while eating i caught a glimpse of jace, but I couldn't care less not after what he did last night.
I quickly cleared my plate as I didn't want to see him. I dropped my plates into the zinc and
walked quickly to my room but I bumped into someone

Please don't be jace
Please don't be jace

I looked up and saw him
"Evans!! Its been so long i saw you" , I smiled at him "You must be busy I'll get out of your hair now"  i said as i moved to let him pass

"It hasn't been so long Kim" He says and  laughed", I hope you're okay, i have to go now I'll see you later"  he said as he left

I walked into my room and a few seconds later I heard a loud bang on my door. I rushed to see who was there
"Oh hi jace" I say but instead i could see the fury and anger in his eyes
"What's wrong i asked?" I asked concerned but instead He barged into my room and banged the door so loud, he grabbed me and shoved me against the wall.
"Please let go of me i said shakily, jace what is wrong with you" I asked shakily

"Oh you're asking me? After i saw you openly flirting with Evans, Kim?" He says angrily and my eyes widen
What was he talking about? Flirting with who?

I couldn't understand anything he said as i was writhing in pain.

"I'm really sorry jace, you're hurting me." I whimpered as his grip didn't seem like it was going to stop

"Kim, I don't want to see you with anyone, YOU'RE MINE, ALL MINE!" He says

"Jace, please you're hurting me", his grip got stronger and i whimpered
"Please jace"  i said again and his grip loosened, He walks out of the room angrily while I sat down crying hysterically, what have I gotten myself into, I slept for a while and woke up midday
I called Linda to ask where we would meet, i just wanted to leave the house by all cost. I got the address and changed my dress, put on a little makeup and grabbed my purse.

When I got to the place,i was starving as Jace had drained all my energy, i got in and saw Linda
"Hey babes " i said as i slid into the seat opposite her, Her eyes lit up as soon as she saw me
"Hey sweet thing , how are you?" She asked me while smiling
"I'm starving girl " I replied and She chuckled and waved to the waiter
We got our food and I immediately digged in
I spent the afternoon with Linda, till she got a call requesting her attention, i bade her goodbye and called my "bestest" friend.

"Hey stranger, are you home or at mason's place, I'm coming over " I say over the phone and She laughed " I'm at mason's place silly"
"Okay I'll be there in 10 minutes" i told her and paid for the food and left the restaurant

I took a taxi and got to mason's place
"Hey Lisa" i said as i hugged her and mason, apparently a cousin of Mason was visiting and
I was introduced to mason's cousin Tristan, we exchanged pleasantries he smiled at me, he was really cute , perfect dentition,he was about 6ft, tanned skin and brown hair, but he wasn't as cute as jace I thought to myself.

I still don't understand why i had to compare both of them especially after what he did to me this morning

I spent the evening at mason's place till i got up to leave, Tristan offered to drop me off. I hugged Lisa and mason and left with Tristan.
The ride was pretty eventful as i found out we have a lot in common, I couldn't even believe it , It was as though we were the same person. we got to jace's house and I got down from his car.

"Thank you for offering to bring him home Tristan" i said and smiled at him shyly

"The pleasure is all mine pretty lady" he replied, I stood there awkwardly till I decided it was time for me to leave
I was about leaving until Tristan hugged me and gave me a peck on my cheeks(well that was surprising)

I smiled and made my way into the house, it was surprisingly dark, It was quite weird and didn't sit well with me, i moved forward till i heard his voice.
My body responded immediately to his voice, i turned and like a flash his lips were on mine, yearning for me to give him access, my knees got weak. I opened my mouth giving him access , i ran my hands through his dark and silky hair the kiss became intense. We pulled apart and i was panting hard.

I heard his voice again, this time it was deep and husky "YOU'RE MINE, JUST MINE, sweet Kim" he said as his hands ran through my arms and i trembled . He repeated himself again and he left.
I stood there disheveled and shocked by what had just happened not only did I just kiss Jace Norman, He said I was his
Was he delusional or something?


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