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The Hirai family a predominant female clan, known for creating the most beautiful Geisha and Maiko, the most well versatile entertainers in all of Japan, so much so they had multiple audiences with the Emperor himself Toshinori of the Musutafu emp...

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The Hirai family a predominant female clan, known for creating the most beautiful Geisha and Maiko, the most well versatile entertainers in all of Japan, so much so they had multiple audiences with the Emperor himself Toshinori of the Musutafu empire

Many Geisha and Maiko had come and go leaving their mark, but the most revered were the children of the Okaa san herself . .Kiyoshi was the youngest Geisha yet the most beautiful woman in japan

She was a rare spectacle to behold with a great amount of talent, she bare dark skin which glistened like the richest of gold and long thick wavy hair of pink which put Sakura petals to shame, yet what captivated the people, the most were her luminescent eyes, they way her features never seemed to change but her eyes brightened up the room,

A silvery sky blue which further accentuated the natural red marks which decorated her skin, she was a tall majestic woman who cared for all those around her

They say cherry blossoms trailed behind her as she walked or even the simple sound of her voice could open the gates of heaven, that she was a gift hand sculpted by the sun goddess Amaterasu herself 

As she entrapped those in her web only those fortunate enough were able to see her smile, Many had asked for her hand in marriage, wether it be noble men or mere workers hoping to meet ends meet, they were all turned away by the young female who hid in the confinements of the Okiya

Only those lucky enough were to see her
walk the streets of the geiko district
in Gion Kyoto

To see the pale blue of her bamboo umbrella as she rested by the cherry bridge which separated the Okiya from the rest, Kiyoshi did not need the finest of silks to gain attention and like bees people would watch from a far, the flower who blew gracefully in the wind

Kiyoshi was the daughter of a lord, a samurai who had passed away leaving his four wives and daughters alone in the harsh world, Her mother Temari the Okaa san of the Okiya decided it was best to leave that life behind and so she introduced her to the world of an entertainer, from the ripe age of five Temari had instilled that goal in her mind to be the very best

And at the age of ten she had debuted as Maiko and soon she would debut finally as an official Geisha, till then the young eighteen year old avoided suitors and spent her days under the sakura trees

Until a young samurai had
clouded her every thought. .

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