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A shot was heard

In a flash all of us had Timothy tackled to the ground as he screamed from the sudden action

With my heart throbbing loudly against my chest I roam my eyes on high alert trying to find who shot and who's shot with my own gun raised

"DST#1 and 4 get Timothy inside the damn car! Move! move! move!" I ordered the men

Defense and Security Team (DST)

I knew taking this little brat out was a bad idea

Secret Service Agent Kurt seconded loudly next to me getting the team to pull Timothy hurriedly towards the one of the many black heavily tinted and bulletproof cars as we made sure he wasn't shot

Thankfully no one was shot

Gritting my teeth I pushed Timothy rather harshly inside the one of the many SUV's all heavily tinted, bulletproofed and secured

We started to drive off with a total of 12 more similar SUV's leading, following and around us while the other agents blending on the traffic with different kinds of cars to keep a low profile just in case

"The gunshot was intentional but none got hit, they're playing with us" Lance spat from his seat on the passenger seat equally riled up as me and the other 5 Secret Service agents with us

"Inspect and secure that goddamn area RIT's, capture the threat and try not to terminate the fucker unless necessary" I hissed to my earpiece as agent Carson inspects on Timothy for any signs of gunshots, checking his blood type and heartbeat for any panic attacks

Reasearch Investigation Team (RIT)

"Im fine" Timothy grumbled in discomfort gently prying the hands of the agents away from him halting their inspection "where are we going?" He asked me slightly out of breath from across me

I stare at him not wanting to lash out on him as I was cut from the thoughts running through my mind

That was a close call... the shot was made from a birds eyeview which obviously was made by a sniper rifle

But the shot had not meet its target—no more like it was made purposefuly to not embed it on the target.

"The executive mansion sir, its much safer for you there" Agent Hendrix's slight scottish accent answered for me in his usual blank tone and expression as he kept his eyes on the road

I nodded and looked away from Timothy and into my phone a message from Sasha saying she had already hacked through the Security surveillance both inside and outside perimeters of the Mall before I could even dial her number

Sighing I willed myself to relax as Lance converse to someone on his phone

Fiddling with my hearing aids I ignore the tense and guarded tension of the atmosphere

My lip twitch in an amused smile when Timothy ripped his still miraculously attached mustache wincing and yelping as he manage to do so

"Am not wearing that hideous shit again"

He's taking this more lightly than I thought he would

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