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"How are you?" Timothy asked quietly as I heard his footsteps nearing the bed on my half asleep state

"I'm alright.." a familiar groggy british voice answered then I felt the bed move "She's been asleep since I woke up"

"What happened? She looked... tired?"

"I don't know..." he strained as if streatching to do something "I felt something wet dripping on my hand when I was on the verge of waking up"

So he had not hear a thing then

"Maybe she was drooling?"

I'm so gonna kick this kid so hard—

"More like crying..." Mathhew trailed off softly as I felt a soft hand ran through my forehead to brush back the stray hairs then a finger running the path of the dried up tears on my cheek

I must look like a mess right now to even put freaking pennywise on shame

"She was crying?!" Timothy whisper-yelled in surprise "I heard she had a fight with Lance" he added thoughtfully

I kept my eyes closed and pretend to be sleeping and I felt my heart ached slightly about Lance but my anger towards him overpowered it numbing the pain

Damn that prick still had a part of me wanting to forgive him so desperately

"What-what happened?"

"I have no idea..." Timothy sighed in distress "he had been closed off and out of himself when he came back last night... and I'm slightly scared to ask but-but I—don't tell him that!" He rushed out the last part

"I won't even judge you, they are FBI agents after all... I searched about them a few days ago and found some reasons to be... intimidated by them" I heard Matthew said making me restrain my face from turning into a questioning frown

He tried to search about me?

—Wait.. he's afraid of me?

"You googled them?" His brother asked in disbelief and astonishment "and you found something?"

"Yeah actually" Matthew hummed as I felt fingers combing through my hair rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb comfortingly "I didn't expect it to be that easy actually but the information itself is too little and limited"

"But.. There wasn't any hacking and shit needed is there?" Timothy asked disbelievingly I could totally imagine him waving his arms around in emphasis "what did you find then? About they're killings? Saving humanity? Raiding creepy old warehouses? Action videos?"

Well I didn't know about me on google actually... but I do know I wouldn't let my personal information spread to the world

"Not exactly... it was that they're high ranked special agents of the FBI agency, both of them are also partners, the ace of the agency I think what they call them..."

I internally sighed in relief

"That's it? Really Dude? What about their family? Relationships? The juicy ones?" Timothy continued to ramble desperately

I held in my snort at his whailings

"Like I told you it was only limited information.. about their family... turns out Zaia's father is the director of the FBI!" Matthew gushed proudly at his newly found information "her mother I'm not entirely sure who is because Dav-Darwin almost caught me snooping very late at night"

Well that's relieving

"Oh..." I heard Timothy grumbled in dissappointment and heard his footsteps walking around the room

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